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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting To Know The Little Guys (7)

Getting To Know The Little Guys is a feature I do weekly to spotlight small blogs with less than 100 followers. There is a huge crop of new blogs out there- mine being one of them but I have been lucky enough to gain a pretty quick following- but small doesn't mean bad. My goal is for my readers to read these weekly posts, get to know the bloggers a little more, and start finding some awesome new blogs that they might not have otherwise known about. And face it- there is a huge competitive edge to book blogging these days, especially for ARCs. Yes, the ARCs are nice when they come but I think a lot of us really are here to just express our views on books and book related things- this feature also is intended to bring that focus back.

Today's guest blogger is Amber Skye from Reading Addict. She's another of those great, devoted teens out there with a passion for reading and I have to admit, it's fantastic seeing so many of them showing their love for it.

Hey you guys! I'm thrilled to be here on Getting to Know the Little Guys at A Good Addiction. Now, where to being.... I've never been a very good public speaker. *remembers that speech in the third grade and shivers* Kari has over 300 followers, which is definitely a lot more than I'm used to. :) I guess I'll start with how I began my blog.

Ever since the third grade when my mom introduced me to the world of Nancy Drew, I've been the girl who walks around with her nose stuck in a book. People would always ask me what book I was reading, but most of them didn't really care. When I discovered blogging, I was able to connect with people who did love books and who actually want to hear what I have to say. How awesome is it that people want to read what I write? Me!? I never thought that one person would visit my blog, but I'm slowly but surely attaining faithful followers. *does happy dance* Even if I only have 35 right now, it's more than I ever expected to have.

Summer + boredom = computer time. At least, that's how it was for me this past summer. That's when I discovered a couple of book blogs. And some more. And even more. How could I NOT start my own when I wanted to connect with these awesome bloggers?

My name is Amber Skye and I am ADDICTED to reading. Science fiction, teen lit, mystery, romance, you name it, I'll read it. I also play the piano and dance. I used to do ballet for hours each week, but my school schedule began to conflict with the dance class. I eventually quit, but just this year I started back up again. After last week's boot camp Friday, my legs are in PAIN. Whoops. I'm rambling, huh? But isn't that kind of the point of a blog? :)

I really try to write honest reviews. They might not be the prettiest things, but at least they are my true opinion. If your interested in checking out my blog, visit Reading Addict at I also host weekly memes such as In My Mailbox, Sunday Sequels (my own new meme), Teaser Tuesdays, etc. I have had three interviews with different authors and I am working on a fourth. I've recently become addicted to book trailers, so I post those too. Feel free to come by and see!

Thanks SO much to Kari for letting me be here! You are awesome! *air kisses* And thank you guys for reading!

You are definitely welcome and I hope everyone checks out Amber's blog! =)


  1. This is a good idea. Got another blog to follow now :)

  2. I love Amber's blog, and this was such a great post! :)

  3. Hi Amber! your blog is so cute! This is the first time I hear of it, so thanks for the post :) I will go check it out some more...
