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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Character Interview + Contest: Sean from Amplified

Stopping in this afternoon is Sean, the seriously hot love interest from Tara Kelly's (awesome) novel Amplified. So check it out, meet Sean, learn about his underwear and some kissing, and then enter for your chance to win a copy of the book!

You make the front page! What does the headline say?

I hope this doesn’t happen to me. But hypothetically… “Shark Biologist discovers new species or ‘insert something awesome’.

If you could have been less of a jerk to Jasmine the first time you met her, would you redo it?

Yes, but I’d still call her a princess.

What made you start playing bass, instead of another instrument?

I’ve always had this innate sense of rhythm, but the drums never did anything for me. There’s just something about the bass that calls to me. It’s subtler than the guitar, but there’s so much you can do with it to make a song better. Stuff people don’t even notice unless they really listen.

So... Amy? Tell us a little about that.

Do I have to? Because it’ll sound a lot like a bad country song…

What's it like to kiss Jasmine?

Um…intense. But Jasmine is intense.

Boxers or briefs?


What kind of dinosaur would you describe yourself as?

Pterodactyl. Because they can fly.

Thank you, Sean, for answering my questions and congrats, Tara, on the release!

Amplified is out today, and is seriously awesome, so make sure you guys check it out!

You can also enter to win a copy of the book. Just fill out THIS form!

Contest is US Only and ends November 1.


  1. Cannot wait to read this one! Thanks for the interview and giveaway! :)

  2. I like the answer about the bad country song. Very witty.

  3. Oh fun, great interview - had me chuckling out loud :o) Now I've got to read this!

  4. WE WANT SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
