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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's pick is Luminous by Dawn Metcalf, coming July 7 from Dutton Children's Books.

Summary: When sixteen-year-old Consuela discovers she can remove her skin, revealing a lustrous mother-of-pearl skeleton, she slips into a parallel world known as the Flow, a place inhabited by archetypal teens with extraordinary abilities. Crafting skins out of anything – air, water, feathers, fire – she is compelled to save ordinary people from dying before their time. Yet now someone is murdering them, one by one, and Consuela finds herself the focus of an intricate plot to end the Flow forever when all she really wants is to get back home, alive.

My Thoughts: The only thing that can really shed it's skin to the bone and still walk around is a zombie. Yet here comes Dawn Metcalf, with her completely living teenage girl who sheds her skin, and is still pretty... then she can make skins out of whatever she wants and that gives new meaning to the girl on fire. Yep. That alone makes this one something I want to read. But then.... its a murder mystery conspiracy kind of thing! Bring it on! I love the concept of the Flow, of there been a bunch of teens with these abilities. I can't wait to see what all Metcalf is including with this, and I am so excited to see how the whole thing is going to play out. Also, I love Consuela's name. And then there's the cover. Gorgeous and bold and completely stunning. I want this book.


  1. Oops...didn't finish my thought!

    While the thought of the main character "slipping her skin" creeps me out, I'm really curious about this book. I just want to see what she does with that whole concept!

    Happy reading!
    <a href=">The Book Swarm</a>

  2. Holy cow, I'm just having one of those days! Totally left my link unfinished...sorry 'bout that. :P

    The Book Swarm

  3. This cover and summary are so gorgeous, I'm absolutely salivating over this book's release!

  4. The cover of this book is absolutely amazing! And the idea of it sounds really fascinating and unique. Can't wait for this one! :D

  5. The cover is definitely captivating. I'm not so sure if this books sounds like one I would typically like, but I def. want to give it a try.

  6. Ooh... this soudns interesting! Great WoW pick! :)
