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Friday, November 6, 2009

Princess Bookie Contest

Princess Bookie is having another contest- straight off her site:

I was lucky enough to score another ARC of The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott. Remember my other copy will be put on the ARC Tour , so if you want to sign up, check back there soon!

There will be 2 winners!

The first person gets 4 books total- His Eyes by Renee Carter (not pictured) and When Mike Kissed Emma by Christine Marciniak PLUS 2 arcs their choice, than the 2nd winner gets the remaining 2!


You Must Be A Follower To Win!
Contest will end when it ends.

I don't know about you guys but I really want the Unwritten Rule... and definitely Voices of Dragons too so here's to hoping.


  1. Woot!! I just became your 50th follower :D


  2. Hi! just became a follower, and nearly died laughing at your blog title--"There are worse things to be addicted too" haha I don't know why, but I find it so amusing :) Love the blog!

  3. Thanks to both of you... and looks like tomorrow, I am posting a contest =)

  4. I just became a follower too and yes I am dying to read The Unwritten Rule. I love Elizabeth Scott
