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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday (3)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's choice is Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey. First off, I just really like that name! The cover intrigued me too- somewhat theatrical. I don't think this is the final cover but I do believe it is what will be on the ARCs (Oh how I want one) and even if it isn't the final- I really like this one. This one is slated to hit stores April 1, 2010.

Summary (From Karen's website):

In less than a day I had been harassed, enchanted, shouted at, cried on, and clawed. I’d been cold, scared, dirty, exhausted, hungry, and miserable. And up until now, I’d been mildly impressed with my ability to cope.

At her boarding school in New Zealand, Ellie Spencer is like any ordinary teen: she hangs out with her best friend, Kevin; obsesses over her crush on a mysterious boy; and her biggest worry is her paper deadline. Then everything changes: In the foggy woods near the school, something ancient and deadly is waiting.

Debut author Karen Healey introduces a savvy and spirited heroine with a strong, fresh voice. Full of deliciously creepy details, this unique, incredible adventure is a deftly crafted story of Māori mythology, romance, betrayal, and war.

Who else thinks this one sounds awesome? It's on my 2010 Debut Author Challenge reading list and definitely one I will be getting right around when it is finally published and released.


  1. This does sound really good and I will have to check it out. The title is really great.

  2. I did this one awhile back. I can't wait for it! I have no doubts that it'll be amazing. :]

  3. sounds so intrigueing with the maori mythology. can't wait for this one out too.

  4. Loving the cover, I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week :)

  5. This sounds so good- great pick!

  6. I'm looking forward to this one as well!

    Also, I have an award for you HERE!
