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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's pick is by no means a new one to hit the WoW posts but gosh darnit I want this book NOW and not May 18. The Vampire Academy series is most definitely my favorite right now- the plot is phenomenal and though speculation on what is going to happen runs rampant and everyone has all these ideas, I really think Meade is such an amazing writer that whatever she has planned will not even cross our minds and pretty much just be brilliant. Despite that, I am still most definitely Team Adrian... he's just too dang sardonic for me to not love him.

I am very eagerly waiting on Spirit Bound to be released and I doubt a summary is needed on this one... although I keep wondering who is on the cover of this one. Even though her skin is too pale and the hair too blond, I am assuming that's Rose because hey, it was her on book 2 and she was totally blond then... and I guess Dimitri... but I am holding out hope its Adrian. =D


  1. I don't know. After the last one im not -as- exited to read it. but i have read it from its release so i will stick with it.

  2. I never read this series, I don't know why though lol, I like the cover!

  3. It looks good, I can't wait to read this series :) Great pick!

  4. I most certainly recommend this series. If you're a Twilight fan, you'll more than likely love this one- I think it is far better than Twilight, from the writing to the plot to the characters themselves. This is one of the few series that I actually use my lunch break at work to get the new release because I am that anxious for it.

    And Luna- the ending of Blood Promise only makes me want to read it more. Meade opened up so many doors with how that one ended. =)

  5. I just bought the first book of the series last week! Can't wait to start it. :)

  6. Aaaaaah! Love this series! Can't wait. Great pick! Following this blog now :)

  7. I love this series! I recommend it all the time - much better than other vampire teen books out there...

    I think it's Rose on the cover but I can't decide if I hope it's Dmitri or Adrien!

  8. I feel so behind in this series, I still have not read the first one.
    Good pick :)

  9. I admit it, I saw the words "Team Adrain" and my brain sort of went on over-drive. I LOVE ADRIAN. Seriously, Rose better end up with that broken-hearted, poor boy or else I'm going to go beat up a certain red-eyed guy that's name starts with a D... D:<

  10. Hahaha Jenn your comment definitely made me laugh! And I agree- she needs to stake Dimitri's evil ass and get with Adrian!
