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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Percy Jackson Contest Winner!

I don't have a Barkings From A Beagle post today.... I'm currently in a fight with said beagle and not speaking to him seeing as to how the little brat kept waking me up last night. While tormenting him with pictures seems like a great option, I am still half asleep and have to leave for work in 15 minutes. Thus, he gets a break... but he still has to deal with the silence.

I do, however, have the winner of the Percy Jackson giveaway picked. I had a total of 147 entrants which is pretty darn snazzy if you ask me. Thanks to everyone who entered and congrats to....
Brooke at Brooke Reviews!

I've sent you an email Brooke... you have 48 hours to get back to me or I will have to pick someone else.

Stick around for more contests and if you haven't already, go enter my Jodi Picoult giveaway. I have 6 of her books up for grabs and she is an amazing author. Her books will make you think and get to you- do yourself a favor and read at least one. It is absolutely worth it.