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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Author Appreciation Week: Post 3

As I was wasting time on Twitter last night and reading some posts from various authors, I got to thinking about how being a parent, first off, is a full time job. Being a successful published author and a parent- that's pretty amazing. But being a successful published author, a parent, and a single one at that? I think that says a tremendous amount for a person. Now take that person and make them a parent of 4? It's a little mind blowing. So first off, to all the parents who happen to be authors, props to you. To the single parent authors that I don't know of off the top of my mind, I applaud you. The one out of this mix I am going to spotlight? Michelle Zink.

Michelle is the brilliant author behind The Prophecy of the Sisters and the upcoming Guardian of the Gate. This was not a simple series- between the plot, the concept, and the time period, it is clear a lot of work went into this book yet Michelle did it, all while taking care of her 4 kids. She doesn't stop there, however. Michelle still reads her fellow author's books, does what she can to promote them, and even scours the blogs for mentions of her own books. She's committed to her writing career and she's committed to her kids and that is fantastic and deserves some appreciation and attention. I hope you all will join me in recognizing what a feat this is, both for Michelle and the other authors who have kids. And if their kids are anything like I was growing up, they are all that much more amazing.

You can find Michelle on her website, Twitter, and sometimes even on your own blog in her lurking. And yes, she's even been known to leave comments.


  1. Thanks for sharing all this about Michelle. Such an accomplished person!

  2. Kari! This meant so much to me, because as much focus as there is on my writing life, nothing matters more to me than my children.

    And I have a confession to make; it ISN'T always easy to manage it all. I have moments when I feel so overwhelmed, my house is a disaster (like now), I'm under multiple deadlines (like now), and STILL have to come up with something for dinner because there isn't another adult in the house to make it or send for take-out. I'm always worried about the kids feeling like they have enough of me, but every now and then it's an effort to to pull myself out of everything I have to do long enough just to sit and talk with them. I try so hard, but there are many, many days when I question the job I'm doing on every front.

    Something like this might seem small to someone else, but having you acknowledge the sometimes-overwhelming nature of my life is really incredible,

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  3. Great pick! Michelle is amazing <3

  4. Wow, Michelle is amazing! And amazingly approachable and human. I have heard great things about her. Today I told my librarian she had to buy Prophecy of the Sisters b/c I have heard it is so good! Now I want to own my own copy as well!
