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Monday, March 1, 2010

February Wrap Up

This was a slower month for me but hopefully the next one will be much better. Here's my summary of books read, hitting only 11 this month:
  1. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
  2. Dirty Little Secrest by CJ Omololu
  3. The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard
  4. Dreamland by Sarah Dessen
  5. Hate List by Jennifer Brown
  6. Lessons From A Dead Girl by Jo Knowles
  7. The Pace by Shelena Shorts
  8. All Unquiet Things by Anna Jarzab
  9. Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten
  10. Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
  11. By The Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead by Julie Ann Peters (Review to come later today)
I also have 2 contests going on right now- one to give away 6 Jodi Picoult books which ends Tues night and another for 3 copies of Wherever Nina Lies. Also check back for another contest or 2 around here sometime this month. And maybe something bigger when I get to 400 followers (30 away from that which is kind of mind boggling for me but thank you to everyone who follows me!).

I am almost done with revisions on paper for my WIP. I have gone through it on paper twice with just 2 chapters left, then I need to make the changes on the computer. After that, I am sending the draft out to a few people for feedback and starting in on another idea I'm already starting to develop. When the feedback makes it way to me, I'll do another read of revisions, going fresh this time, before finally making a cover/query letter and trying to find myself an agent. I'm pretty much excited about this...

That's about it for me but start looking, hopefully, for more author interviews in the coming weeks/months as well as author chats on my forum. In case you skipped over my post about changes, I am opening the forum boards to all books as long as they have been released in stores rather than set books each week though I will be featuring a 2010 Debut Author book each week as a way to promote them. Therefore... if you read a great book and are dying to talk about it, open a thread and get to discussing!


  1. 11 books in a month is impressive!!!

  2. I also read eleven books this past month, and I thought I did quite well so I can't believe you think you didn't do so well...

    Good luck with your revisions and everything :)

  3. I had a slow month too, I think a lot of people did in February. I blame crazy personal stuff at the beginning and the Olympics at the end. Sounds like you read some great books though!

    I have an award for you here: Not-Really-Southern Vamp Chick
