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Friday, March 26, 2010

On My Soap Box

Yep, this is a Kari rant... ie, a post in which I stand high on my soapbox, say what I have to say, and let you choose whether or not you want to read it. If you disagree, that's cool. It's allowed. I'm not trying to offend. I'm just speaking my mind. And now that the technicalities are out of the way...

I've noticed lately in my wanderings around the blogosphere several similar posts, the first regarding romance and content in YA. If you've been around my blog for a bit, you've already seen me rant about the common sense media crap and what not. And these rants? To me, it's an extension of that. I don't think romance in YA needs to change and I still very strongly hold my ground that if a teen is gonna read a YA book and base their life on what's in it, there's a whole lot bigger issues going on than the content of that book. It's fiction. Creative license.

I also want to know why everyone, even bloggers who have a better idea of how long the publishing process actually is, always forget, well, how long the publishing process actually is. All these "horrible books" that we're gobbling up- they weren't in response to Twilight. They aren't taking advantage of some Twilight book, they aren't trying to keep that same theme going. Twilight got popular when the movie came out- in 2008. I would be hard pressed to find any author, other than ones who already had contracts set up for books that are likely in a series, who started writing a book and had it hit shelves in under 2 years. But let's push it back, and say Twilight started really growing a following after Eclipse was released- 2007. Again, Less than 3 years. All these books we're devouring now- they were started before that or around then. NOT in response to it. And my honest thoughts on how often books are compared to Twilight, how often people say these authors are feeding off it? You are cheapening them and their work. If you think YA is really so horrible, why read it? Why have a blog devoted to it, if it needs to change?

And the "rape culture" reference going around- that is a horrible, almost despicable term to me. That alone, comparing books with weak girls (face it, there are weak girls out there. Not every chick is strong and can kick butt and doesn't give a damn) and overpowering girlfriends to something like rape- I think that is even more screwed up than the content in these books that is being blown out of proportion. Rape is violent and horrible. Rape is something that can leave even the strongest of women scarred and vulnerable. Rape is not something to compare to books. So what if younger kids read it? It's called YA- young adult, teen. If younger kids are going to read it, how is it really any different than a teen reading an adult title? Should we cut out all violence, sex, affairs, romance, etc out of those too, because what if a teen reads it?

I also want to point out- the people who are having issues with all this, at least for what I'm responding to- are probably not people who actually are in the abusive situations. It isn't the teens who have to clean up their parent's vomit because they are too drunk to do it themselves. It isn't the kid who has to work to help make rent. It isn't the girl altering her life around an abusive dad, brother who molests her, even boyfriend. I could be wrong- and I'm not saying there are none of these but the vast majority of bloggers- we're privileged. Because the people, boys and girls are alike, in those situations? They don't have time to read all the books we do. And they definitely don't have time to maintain a blog. But the fact that us bloggers are trying to cheapen and discredit books with this content is an outrage to me. These situations are real- and living in our little sheltered worlds doesn't make them go away. Open a newspaper. Turn on the news. These situations exist. I applaud the others who include elements like this, however subtle, into their books. And why would I want to read about someone just like me? I get enough of me all day. I want something else in a book.

And finally.... to wrap this up. If you're getting stressed about blogging, take a break. It isn't a big deal. If you don't want to post a meme one week, then don't. There's no law that says once you start a blog, you have to do every meme, every week, rain or shine, sickness or health. If I don't feel like doing it or am too busy, I just don't. I don't feel forced to do anything with this blog- the only requirement I have is when I take on a book for review. And I do that because it's a book I want to read, and I want to promote the author. I want to help these authors get word out about their book, even if I didn't like it. Authors and their books are not equivalent. I can like an author and dislike their book. That's okay, and if they're professional, they'll be okay with it too. Do I give a book a good rating because I have to? Um, no. I'm not that type. Never will be. Do I give a lot of books on here good ratings? Yes. Why? Because if I read a book description and it doesn't interest me, I don't read it. Like with faeries- I just can't get into faerie books. I don't care how amazing you think it is- it doesn't catch my eye. I have plenty of books that grab my eye that I will focus on. Does that cheapen my reviews because they tend to all be good? Heck no. If I think a book is worth 5 stars, it's because I think it's worth 5 stars.

Just wanted to add my two cents... because I don't think we need to make some huge change to how blogging is. I don't think authors need to edit themselves. If you hate it so much, think it's so awful, then stop reading it. Yes, Edward was overprotective and Bella rolled over in submission. So what? Yes, girls in abusive situations stay in them. News flash- that's real life. Even set into a fantasy type world, there's always elements of real life. But stop cheapening these authors who have poured so much of themselves into these books by saying they are just riding some wave started by Twilight. Stop castrating them for content. Obviously plenty of people thought it was good if it's published. Stop making it seem like bloggers are doing something all wrong and we're all just a bunch of idiots. Just stop.

That is all. I will now gracefully (okay, fall) off my soapbox and go back to reading. Because guess what? I like reading. No, I love reading. I love watching what other people's minds can create- the way they say things, the characters they build, and the story they run. It's no different than TV or movies or even video games. I don't care if I'm turning 25 this year, I love YA. I love how easy it is to read but how quickly it can suck me in. There are some very talented writers who are writing YA. Give them the credit they deserve.


  1. Preach on sista! Thank you for putting it all to rest, you said everything that was on my mind. :) Luv ya!

  2. Great rant! I agree with everything you said. Hope you feel a little relieved for getting that all out! :)

  3. *claps enthusiastically* I agree with you eh... great rant! :)

  4. "I love YA. I love how easy it is to read but how quickly it can suck me in. There are some very talented writers who are writing YA. Give them the credit they deserve."

    Pure awesomeness!

  5. Great post. I agree with your thoughts and commend you for sharing them.

  6. I'm only going to comment as to the bottom part of your rant, I think you are right if you need a break from blogging, take a break. If you don't want to do a meme, then don't do it. Very true words.

  7. Very well said. I've aired my views on this previously this week, and my views are generally the same as yours. I'm a fellow 'older' reader who also loves Y/A romance and I'm glad that there are so many authors out there writing great Y/A series at the moment. Long may it continue!

  8. Hear! Hear! I agree with you 100%! and was very pleased that someone got that out there! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I could kiss you for this post! (But I won't cause you might think I was freak, lol) I understand some people have big issues with everything you addressed above. I also understand some people are more impressionable and might be influenced easily. But at the end of the day, it is what it is: FICTION! Let those who understand this, enjoy it.

    And THANK YOU for the whole speel about Twilight. Can we all say the phrase: Give it a break, already! The more I see people hating on it and mocking it just makes me think they secretly love it and don't want to admit it. They obviously can't shut up about it.

  10. I heart your notion and second it :)

  11. YEAH awesome, amazing post - I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said - you go sister!!! AWESOME AWESOME!

  12. Great post! I thought Twilight was popular before the movies but the movies increased the popularity to epic heights. I could be wrong. Whoopi Goldberg introduced me to the Twilight series. Funny, huh? She was talking about the books with Jennifer Love Hewitt on The View. That was early 2007.
    I agree. If you don't like, don't read it. It's so simple.

    I love blogging but I don't feel pressure to post every day. If I post once a week, I'm fine with it. If I post 5 times a week, I'm fine with that also. This is supposed to be fun.

  13. Your post has inspired me to be more honest. It's really hard when you read a book with a blog group and they all seem to love it and I hated it. I now post when I feel the need to. Soap Box Rocks!

  14. Awesome rant! You make great points and I agree.

    I applaud all the multitude of YA books available now. I don't like them all, and I don't like all the genres but I'm thrilled they're out there.

    Kids (and adults who like it) should have as much variety as possible to appeal to different tastes. Authors should write what is in their hearts and YA's should read what speaks to them.

    I do wish more parents would get involved with what their kids are reading.I think it would help the family unit, create some bonding and initiate vital discussions. But you're right. The kids who could really use the help aren't necessarily the ones getting it. I only hope that some of them will find books that do.

  15. *clapping* Well said, dear. Couldn't agree with you more. :)

    However, and you might not care, but damn is your blog hard on the eyes! Black backgrounds have not been a favorite of mine. Oh wells.

  16. Wow. that was a rant to behold. and I loved every word of it. my favorite part was pointing out that these books are YA not childrens. Very nice. :)

  17. Wow...amazing rant...great job!

    I have to agree with you about this post. I'm so sick of parents and other adults claiming books are inappropriate for the children. My sister has a 13 year old daughter and is hesitant about reading some books...not because their generally inappropriate, but because she thinks its not age appropriate. My sister will read books before she does, but because she's a slow reader & I'm an avid reader, I'll read them or read books and just recommend them to my niece. I'll give them a rating or tell her that I think she should wait. Parents need to get more involved with their kids if they want to have a say. Most parents that are crying about stuff are the one's that have no idea what's really going on, but rather just jumping on some whiner's wagon.

    wow...I said a lot, but I guess I feel the same way about this as you!!!
