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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tributing Thursday

Author Heidi R. Kling had the great idea to devote a week to authors, letting the fans publicly recognize and appreciate them. I thought this was a great idea but sat here wondering, why do they only get a week? No matter the end result, all authors work hard whether they are just starting out or holding years of experience. To keep this notion alive, I'm going to be making a weekly appreciation post. You're welcome to do to the same- I encourage it! Stop by here and comment with your link!

This week's pick is a woman who not only has a strong voice in the YA genre but spent a good portion of her time willingly answering questions for over two hours on Twitter earlier this week. Anything and everything was open territory and I have a lot of respect that she did that despite being busy with writing. She doesn't shy away from her readers under a claim of having too much to do.

From the breaking title Speak to her ghost story Wintergirls and her male perspective Twisted, Laurie Halse Anderson has provided many books for teens that hit on many of the rough issues, handling them beautifully. In addition, Laurie is well known for her public speaking engagements, spreading word more of not just her books but the topics they contain. Laurie has worked to get to where she is and I greatly admire and respect all she has done over the years.


  1. LHA is an amazing author. I did a spotlight on her on my blog...her books are amazing. And she does awesome tweets and even responds back when you send her one. Such a cool lady!!!

  2. This is a great idea! I follow her tweets too and I love hearing what she has to say. Look forward to checking back this Thursday to see who you spotlight next!
