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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Author Interview + Contest: Shannon Delany

To celebrate her book birthday today, Shannon Delany has taken the time to answer a few questions for me! First and foremost- congratulations on the release finally being here, Shannon! Readers, stay tuned after the interview for your chance to win a copy of 13 T0 Life.

If you suddenly morphed into a wolf, what would be the first thing you would do?

Shake out my coat and start to explore the nearest wildwood with my heightened senses of hearing and smell.

Since wolves lick others in the mouth as a show of dominance/submission rather than the "kissing" we dub it to be, would you let a wolf lick you in the mouth?

Ew, no. Wolves also lick all sorts of spots on their own bodies... Need I say more? ;-)

If you could pair Jessie with any character from any book, what would be your pick?

I'm afraid Jessie's only fit to be paired with one guy and he's in my series. She'd either drive other guys crazy or be driven crazy(-er?) by them.

What is the most fearless thing you've done?

Submit a story I wrote by the seat of my pants to a major NYC publisher. ;-) That and jabbing a wounded (and therefore angry) horned bull in the rump with a shot of penicillin. Four times.

What kind of cookie would you describe yourself as?

Snickerdoodle. Relatively unknown, a little bit sweet, a little bit spicy with a finish that hopefully makes you think.

Thank you, Shannon, and congrats again on the release! To win a copy of 13 To Life, Fill out this form!

This contest is international- I will order the book for the winner off Book Depository so as long as they ship to your country, you're set! Contest will end Tues, July 6 at midnight CST.

Answer this question: If you suddenly morphed into a wolf, what would be the first thing you did?

The winner for the book will be random draw but the most creative answer to the question will win a swag pack Shannon has kindly donated!

But wait, there's more! For all you Twitter users, get #13ToLife to trend TODAY (June 22) on Twitter and I will choose another winner- trending it will be the best birthday gift we readers can give to Shannon so let's make it happen! UPDATE: Get #13ToLife to trend today and Shannon will throw in some more prizes as well!


  1. great contest thanks for making it international!!

  2. Lol, funny interview! And thanks for the great contest!

  3. very funny interview. how does one get themselves in the situation to jab a horned bull in the rear?

  4. Haha @ the interview.

    And really loving that this contest is international <3


  5. Thanks for this interview!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
    and "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"

  6. Thanks for the contest, this book looks so great!

  7. Fun interview! Wolves and cookies FTW! Thanks for the contest.

  8. Thanks for the contest! I'm so interested in this book & such a lovely cover.

  9. thanks for the contest! cant wait to read this!

  10. I love the comment about wolves and the kissing factor. That's funny!

    Thanks for the great interview and giveaway.

  11. Great interview, I had no idea that that was why woles lick each other on the mouths.

  12. Wonderful interview. Thanks for the chance to win your book.
    Sue B

  13. Thank you for the opportunity!

  14. hi, i filled out the form, thanks for make it international!

  15. Good question, and thanks for the contest!

  16. Wow, thank you for hosting this giveaway! I can't wait to see who wins!! ;)

    (got ya on my side bar!)

  17. Cool giveaway!!! Love, love, love the book cover.....really draws me in!!

    If I suddenly became a wolf, I think I would have to shave my legs and go on the prowl for a sexy wolfman :p

  18. Great interview! Thanks for making it international!

  19. great giveaway thank you very much!

  20. Great giveaway and interview!

    If I morphed into a wolf the first thing I would do as fast as I can..that feeling must be incredible..the speed..the wind..everything...and then I would howl to the moon hahah


  21. If I suddenly morphed into a wolf... I would run at full speed and then cliff dive and then meet up with Jacob Black, get married and then live happily ever after! LOL.

  22. Thanks for the contest, I filled out the form!

  23. Great interview and giveaway! I've been dying to read this book. :)

