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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Reading Recommendations

After some thinking, I decided to focus this week on traveling, whether the book is one that the setting is outside of the US (as I do live in the US, making such settings exciting for me) or great travel around the US. Particularly since it's summer time, travel seems like a great theme.

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: Though this one stays in the US, it does a fantastic job on not only visiting many places both well known and not, but describing them and the local features. From focusing on the Kentucky Derby in Louisville to discovering Chic-Fil-A, Sonic and other fast food chains as well as diners, I had as much interest in the scenery as I did the plot on this one.

A Little Wanting Song by Cath Crowley: This one takes places in Australia, where the winter and summer months are switched from what I am used to in the US. This alone added something interest, reading about characters celebrating Christmas in summertime. Some of the phrases also stayed with the Australian setting, adding a different spark for me.

Kiss Me, Kill Me by Lauren Henderson: This is part of a trilogy, the final book of which just came out several weeks ago. Set in England, the wording and settings are different but it was kind of nice to read about British students going through similar things as US students would despite the different backgrounds and school styles.

Beautiful Americans by Lucy Silag: Set at the only French boarding high school, this series (the second book of which is Wanderlust, already out) centers around four American students studying in France. The blending between American and French is great, causing some interesting situations and overall, creating a fantastic setting to go with the great story line.

A Field Guide for Heartbreakers by Kristen Tracy: This is also American students in a foreign country, this time centered in Prague and for a summer program rather than a full year abroad. The characters do their sight seeing, taking the reader with them through the local highlights with vivid descriptions to build the picture for the reader.

I know there are more, but these are ones that I've read and have stood out to me largely because of the setting. Karen Healy's Guardian of the Dead is set in New Zealand and Heidi Kling's Sea takes place in Indonesia though I haven't yet read these two. These are the recommendations I've got for you guys this week! Hope you enjoy them!


  1. fabulous theme! I need to read ALL of these books! I love travel themed books!

  2. Great picks! I LOVED Amy and Roger's Epic Detour and I'm planning on reading A Little Wanting Song next :)

  3. great picks! I'm going to get all of these books!

  4. another great list. I'm trying to decide which one I'll go for.

    On a side note: I am Australian, and I always find it a little weird reading US books :) And how all the summer reading books come out in our winter (like now, I've read lots of the summer stuff lately).

  5. This is a great list, and I hope I can get to ALL of these one day soon :)

  6. I love traveling vicariously through books! Thanks for the recommendations.

  7. Although these all look great, I can really speak for Amy and Roger's Epic Detour- my friend wanted to borrow it over summer when she went to Hong Kong and I scowled and said no, because there's no way I'm letting it out of my sight- it was just too good.

  8. I honestly haven't heard of any of these books until now. They all sound great though! Thanks for bringing them to my attention. :)

  9. there are some great books there they remind me a little of this one here at

    its weird how im so pulled in by all these beautiful covers

  10. I love the recommendations!! One's I've never heard of, which isn't hard considering I've just started to find some books on this wonderful blogosphere!!

    I love your new releases slide show too!!

    Awesome blog!

  11. Thanks for recommending Beautiful Americans! I am so glad you liked it!!

    XOXO Lucy
