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Friday, July 30, 2010

Author Interview: Danielle Joseph

Dropping by today is Danielle Joseph, the person behind the new release Indigo Blues. You might have heard of her- she's the one with the awesome rocker rubber duckies? Yeah, I thought so. Want one of those rubber duckies AND a signed copy of this great book? Danielle is having a contest on her LJ till August 18 for those very things. The duckies even have the book named printed on their butt. But before you run off to pine for a ducky, check out my interview with Danielle:

How would you react if an ex wrote a song about you, using your name, like Adam did with Indigo?

First off, I would probably be really stunned because I would be like, "Wow, I must have underestimated so and so's musical abilities!" Then I would probably be a little angry depending on the song's contents because I have never ended a relationship badly. Like Indigo, I would not want to be misrepresented.

Not only is Indigo Blues told in split perspectives, but the two characters are at different points in their lives. Did you find it difficult to write to separate but still related story lines?

The most difficult thing was the timeline, making sure if Adam called Indigo on a Thursday, that she would answer the phone on a Thursday! Once I got the hang of it, I found myself racing to the next person's chapter.

Did you find one character's mind preferable to the other between Adam and Indigo to write?

When I started writing the novel, it was Indigo's story but through an editor's suggestion, I decided to explore Adam's voice too. I must say that I really enjoyed writing from both of their perspectives!

If you could pair Indigo and Adam with any character from any book, what would be your picks for them?

I think they might fit in nicely in Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. They might also try to break up Savannah and Jackson in Breathing.

What is the most private things you're willing to share here?

Like Indigo I love pickles, I often change my favorite color and I once split my pants skateboarding in high school!

You're stranded on a deserted island. What piece of sports equipment would you want to keep you company?

I'll take a lacrosse stick, maybe it will help me get some fruit out of the trees. Geez, I hope there's fruit on this island!

What kind of cookie would you describe yourself as?

I'm the Everything Cookie from Whole Foods. My tastes vary which helps me get along with all types of people. And if you haven't tried the cookie, it is very yummy!

Thanks again, Danielle! If you guys haven't checked out Indigo Blues or Danielle's first book Shrinking Violet, you should definitely get on that!


  1. Ooh, I love that she mentioned Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. That's one of my favorite books! I didn't know that Indigo Blues was originally all about Indigo-it's cool that she ended up writing in both their perspectives :D

  2. She sounds awesome! Now I really have to get going. I saw Shrinking Violet at the library and now it's going to the top of my TBR pile. Now I have to check this one out too! The storyline sounds like Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway with the whole ex-writes-a-song plot but the split perspective sounds really cool and unique. Great interview!
