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Saturday, July 17, 2010

In My Mailbox

I had a fantastic week in books! I am really excited, still, about it!

Won from Reading Teen:
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Claire
(If you follow me on Twitter, you probably remember my spamming to win this. And shutting down my own account. But. So worth it.)

From Heidi Kling:
Sea (Signed)
I also won a Sea bracelet during her release day #sealove giveaways on Twitter. I think it looks hot on Toby.

And finally, to top off my already great week... Carolee Dean is doing a Texas tour and I got the spend about an hour and a half today at B&N just chatting with her. It was pretty much just us and my friend which was a great experience. I also bought a signed copy of her first book, Comfort, and she gave me a signed copy of her new release Take Me There.


  1. ooomm I want to read clockwork angel NOW... in Spain we wont have it until september... that stiks

    Kisses from Spain!

    and I love your dog in the last photo!! hahaha

  2. this post is absolutely killing me!!!!

    i so want (scratch that) need: Sea, Forgive my Fins and Wildthorn.

    congrats on winning stuff - especially Clockwork Angel.

    shutting down your account sounds so cryptic. i want to know more...


  3. Great mailbox! Forgive My Fins and Sea were both great. Happy reading!

  4. Your pup is always such a great sport about showing off your mailbox!

    I do follow you on Twitter, and let me just say, if you hadn't won Clockwork Angel, something would have been wrong with the tweet count.

  5. Great mailbox and what an awesome win with Sea and Clockwork Angel!

  6. Awesome week! Can't wait to hear what you think of Take Me There - my copy should be arriving next week. *excited*

    And Clockwork Angel... YAY!

  7. Nice books! Congrats on your wins,

    Toby is definitely rocking that SEA bracelet ;)

    Happy reading!

  8. Great books! Wildthorn sounds wonderful. Happy reading. :]

  9. Your're so lucky, I'm dying to read Clockwork Angel (hope you like it). I loved How to Say Goodbye. Happy reading. :)

  10. Wildthorn and TCa are on my list of TBRs!=) I really hope TCA is as good as the MI series!!=)

    Enjoy your reads!

    Here is my IMM:

  11. Your dog posing with the books is great! Definitely adds points to appeal and cuteness. I'd buy a book if I had eyes like that staring at me :)!

    I pre-ordered Clockwork Angel but unfortunately it doesn't come out until so much later. I anticipate reading your review of the book.

  12. I love your dog in the pictures, and I am really jealous of Sea, enjoy!
    My IMM post

  13. I can't wait to read Robot and Take Me There, enjoy!

  14. Great books you got this week. Forgive My Fins looks really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  15. So envious of Clockwork Angel!

  16. you got many great books and im so in love with the clockwork angel...totally think it should get read 1st

    you can find my IMM on My Blog

  17. haha I remember the spamming for CA - yep, looks like it was worth it ;)

    Have a great reading week!

  18. Nicely done. And good lord, I want your dog. I think I say this all the time but he's soooo cute. :) Yay for winning CA!


  19. You have Clockwork Angel! Super jealous, I can't wait to read that one. I look forward to your review:) And I love that your dog poses with your books, too cute!

  20. Great books this week!! Can't wait to read your reviews!

  21. Wildthorn and Clockwork Angel look great. Happy reading! My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.

  22. Love that mailbox! CA!!!!!! Yes, we both received that this week eh! :D Toby is totally working that Sea bracelet! lol... Hope you have a great time reading this week! :D

  23. Congrats on winning Clockwork Angel - you totally earned it! I'm jealous.

    Megan @ Read It, See It

  24. Your dog is so cute!

    congrats on your winnings, they look great!

    here's my IMM

  25. Awesome mailbox, and congrats on your wins! My husband's name is Toby, that is funny. :)
