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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's pick is Dark Song by Gail Giles coming September 7, 2010 from Little, Brown.

Mark said he heard the dark song when he creeped houses. The song the predator's heart sings when it hears the heart of the prey. I heard it now. Mark said it had always been in me. Lurking. Waiting for me to hear.

Ames is not the person she was a few months ago. Her father lost his job, and her family is crumbling apart. Now, all she has is Marc. Marc, who loves her more than anything. Marc, who owns a gun collection. And he'll stop at nothing--even using his guns--to get what he wants. Ames feels her parents have betrayed her with their lies and self-absorption, but is she prepared to make the ultimate betrayal against them?

My Thoughts:
First off, I find this cover fascinating; it is beautiful with only hints of the dark, deadly nature of the premise. I have read one of Giles' books before, Right Behind You, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was raw and thought provoking and I think Dark Song will hold the same air. Giles pushes the envelope and I certainly cannot wait to read this one. The idea seems simple but the ramifications and paths it could take are endless and if it follows like the style of Right Behind You, it will be a huge delve into Ames' character as well as unpredictable.


  1. I agree, the cover is beautiful. I'm anxious to read this one.

  2. Definitely agreed. I have never read his book though. But probably will very soon ;p

    here's mine;

    happy reading!

  3. Beautiful cover. The synopsis is great. I am now interested :)

  4. Do I suck for not knowing what the book was about but still recognizing the cover?

    Wow. This book sounds emotionally gutting. (Which you like! And I do too, sometimes...) I love how the flower's coming undone; it looks like water...

  5. Am also looking forward to this one and really, really love the cover!
