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Monday, August 16, 2010

Book Review: Jealousy by Lili St. Crow

SUMMARY (From Amazon):

It’s a good thing Dru Anderson is fast. Because the sucker chasing her isn’t slowing down—and he won’t rest until he has tasted her blood and silenced her heart . . .

Dru’s best friend, Graves, and her strange and handsome savior, Christophe, are ready to help her take on the ultimate evil. But will their battle for Dru’s heart get in the way of her survival?


Bold, action-packed, and engaging, Jealousy continues the Strange Angels series smoothly and with all new twists and reveals. The plot keeps at the same steady pace as the first two books and several of the characters return to continue Dru's story.

Dru's character continues to grow while still keeping the same overall effect of the badass girl who understands much of the world she's both apart of and grown up around, but also has her moments of fear and weakness. There are times she is simply tired of everything but she pushes through, understanding she has few other options. Though she does things others don't completely understand, whether its the way she treats Ash and sits with him in the middle of the night or her preference for cheap but sturdy rather than expensive clothes, she comes off as a mystery to many but it builds her character with the reader.

Graves is the same gentle-hearted, kind boy he has been since book one despite his own problems and inner turmoil. His feelings towards Dru continue to show prevalent even if she doesn't completely understand them, and his protective nature towards her adds to the intensity and connection between the two. He is a steady friend for Dru and there are several tender moments between the two, adding a gentle element in the midst of the danger and action.

Christophe continues to be a mystery though much of his story is finally revealed in this book. There are many questions answered both about him and in general, and Christophe pushes the plot to a new level more than once. Even when he is physically absent, he holds a strong presence and also finds his way into Dru's thoughts often. The relationship between the two is interesting, particularly at the close of this book.

The plot continues to build the world as a whole while Dru is at the Schola, showing further aspects of the Real World. The wulfen stay with Dru, having their own part in this book. Dibs, especially, gets quite a bit of page time and is one of my personal favorite characters across the board. His reactions are great and the different aspects of him are fantastic to see more of.

Things continue to build until a blow out climax filled with drama and action before winding down and ending on a shocking, gripping ending to leave the reader very eager for the next installment. With a character's entire situation hanging in the balance and whether they are alive or dead not for sure known, St. Crow has guaranteed a continued readership with her already great series.

The writing is still strong with fantastic, unique descriptions and a very distinct voice that is easily pinned as Dru's. From Dru's snark and sass to her own way of saying things, this series has a brilliant verse which adds to the overall nature. Everything ties together beautifully and the majority of events are unpredictable and shocking.

Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 316 pages
Publisher: Razorbill (July 29, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1595142908
ISBN-13: 978-1595142900


  1. Love this review. I recently bought this series and I have not read it yet but I have high hopes for it.

  2. I have the first two and almost bought Jealousy a few days ago. I really want to read this series soon!
