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Saturday, August 28, 2010

In My Mailbox

I got some awesome books this week.... but I have to admit, what I am most excited about is having both Addict Boy and Lover Boy printed and bound. It's like they are close to being real books... even if this is for revisions to come... I also learned that while he tolerates books, Toby doesn't care for having two big manuscripts put on him.

Addict Boy is on the left, Lover Boy on the right... aren't they awesome and pretty?

For Review:
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford
Adios, Nirvana by Conrad Wesselhoeft
Crazy by Han Nolan
Hope in Patience by Beth Fehlbaum
I Now Pronounce You Someone Else by Erin McCahan
Kiss Me Deadly by Trish Telep
Wildthorn by Jane Eagland
Hunger by Jackie Kessler
Split by Swati Avasthi
(Special thanks to Amazon Review program, Natalie Standiford + Scholastic, Houghton/Grafia, Booksparks + Scholastic, and Swati Avasthi + Knopf)

Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

The Killer's Cousin by Nancy Werlin
The Rising (The New Kid Book 2) by Temple Mathews
Gym Candy by Carl Deuker
Daemon Hall by Andrew Nance

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. Oh,Toby is soooo cute!!I wish my dog was as sweet as him as let me take such nice pictures of her :-)
    Well,that' a lot of books!And I want to read all of them!Will be waiting for your reviews!

  2. Congrats on getting Addict Boy and Lover Boy bound! That's awesome :)

    I'm reading Mockingjay right now. I just couldn't wait any longer!

  3. Congrats on the bound manuscripts, one more step to getting us something else to read!!!!

    Nice IMM enjoy the loot and give Toby a hug for being such a sweetie!

    jackie ^_^

  4. Nice loot you got there! Also congrats on your bound ms. So exciting for you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats on getting your books bound!!! Great review books hope you enjoy them all!!

  7. EEEEEE. Seeing them bound is amazing! All they need now are some sexy covers ;)

    Toby looks really happy with the manuscripts o.o HE MUST BE PROUD OF HIS MAMA<3

    Excellent haul this week!

  8. Wow congratulations on getting your books bound! Enjoy your books this week :)

  9. Awesome books!

    Yes, they do look lovely!
    I hope to read them soon!

  10. Tons of great books this week! I want to read Beautiful Darkness sooooo badly!!! Happy reading!

  11. You have some great reading to look forward to! Here’s my IMMB


  12. oh so those are your books I've been hearing about*congrats!*

    YAy MockingJay!! enjoy ur books :D

  13. I love the inclusion of your dog in these photos. Way to make your IMM totally unique. :D

  14. Such a fantastic haul! Wildthorn looks great.

  15. I had Wildthorn in my hands this week, but had to show some self-control and put it back..too many books bought already this week!:) Yay for Beautiful Darkness! I have a copy and I'm dying to get to it!

  16. Wow, you got so many great books this week! Happy reading :)

  17. Great books! Have a great time reading them
    Here's what I have got In My Mailbox

  18. Great books you got there! Enjoy them.

  19. Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters is on my TBR list. I'll be interested in seeing your review.

  20. that is the cutest thing! it lets you put all those books on him?

  21. I have a Toby, too!

    And our Tobys seems to have a lot in common. I could pile books on mine all day and he comes up with the strangest sleeping locations/positions. (He's been known to use A WALL as a pillow.)

  22. LOL!! There's Toby, he looks so cute all covered up in books. It was really nice meeting you yesterday, Enjoy your books you got awesome ones!! And your manuscripts look very pretty! =D

  23. aww Doggie!! Yay Mockingjay and Beautiful Darkness!! Enjoy!!

  24. What a great blog!! Good luck with the manuscripts...I love beagles. My beagle, Meg, lived 14 years!! She would have liked to sniff Toby's tushey.

  25. I cant wait to read beautiful darkness

    Here is my IMM:

  26. Wow, you got some great books there. I'm looking forward to reading how you felt about Beautiful Darkness :D

  27. Squak! Great IMM! And OMG! Addict Boy and Lover Boy have different names!
