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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's pick is Daniel Kraus' 2011 release Rotters, coming April 5 from Delacorte.

Summary (From amazon):
Grave-robbing. What kind of monster would do such a thing? It's true that Leonardo da Vinci did it, Shakespeare wrote about it, and the resurrection men of nineteenth-century Scotland practically made it an art. But none of this matters to Joey Crouch, a sixteen-year-old straight-A student living in Chicago with his single mom. For the most part, Joey's life is about playing the trumpet and avoiding the daily humiliations of high school.

Everything changes when Joey's mother dies in a tragic accident and he is sent to rural Iowa to live with the father he has never known, a strange, solitary man with unimaginable secrets. At first, Joey's father wants nothing to do with him, but once father and son come to terms with each other, Joey's life takes a turn both macabre and exhilarating.

Daniel Kraus's masterful plotting and unforgettable characters make Rotters a moving, terrifying, and unconventional epic about fathers and sons, complex family ties, taboos, and the ever-present specter of mortality.

My Thoughts: A book centered around grave robbing screams awesome to me. No, not a zombie doing it. But people. Or so the premise leads us to believe. Yep. Awesome. I also love the father/son focus of this one. Not only do I adore books with a male MC, but I like that things aren't perfect here but the summary hints that they will bond...even if its over robbing graves. I am definitely curious to see what Kraus has planned with this one!


  1. I am interested in this book too. It looks pretty good.

    My WoW is here Manga Maniac Cafe

  2. I hadn't heard of this one. Thanks for the heads up! The father/son relationship does sound interesting. You don't usually see that in YA fiction.

  3. This one does sound intriguing...nice pick! :)

  4. I think the father/son element adds something unique...

    Here's my WOW:

  5. I'm a reading wimp when it comes to books that are dark, scary, creepy, or that in any way deal with death - and I frequently wish that I wasn't because there are so many books of that genre such as this one that look so interesting.

    I doubt that I could handle reading a book like this one - but it does sound interesting. Thanks for the review.

  6. This sounds interesting and different. Thanks for sharing - it's definitely going on my wishlist.

  7. Grave-robbing is an undeniably interesting topic. Thanks for drawing my attention to this! I'm adding it to by TBR.

  8. Grave robbers is definitely a cool premise and the father son relationship even more. I also like the element of mystery and secrets. Great pick.

  9. I agree with you! Another one for my wishlist!

  10. wow -- great pick! i'd never even heard of this book before! please let us know what you think :D

  11. Ohhh this sounds so creepy- but awesome! Great pick :)

  12. Interesting idea. I like that a guy is the main character. Always need more male protagonists.
    Alison Can Read
