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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's pick is Locked by Ryan G. Van Cleave, coming March 1, 2011 from Walker & Company.

Andy is the janitor's son, an outcast, a nobody. Then the rumor starts--that Blake has a gun in his locker. In a moment of misguided hopefulness, Andy steals the keys from his dad and opens up Blake's locker, hoping that finding the gun will change his own status. But the gun isn't there and Andy remains an outcast. When an unlikely friendship develops between the two loners, Blake shares most of his secrets with Andy, including the gun. But there's one secret that worries Andy more than anything--the date circled on Blake's calendar. Does Blake have something planned? Something that Andy can prevent? In a fascinating look at how teens deal with the now constant threat of school violence, debut author Ryan G. Van Cleave provides a unique, emotional perspective on how it feels to be the one who can prevent a tragedy.

My Thoughts: First, it's male POV which is definitely a perk in my book. Add in the outcast status of Andy and most likely of Andy, along with the school violence angle, and I think this is going to definitely be a gripping book. Having to make a choice like that is huge, especially for a teenager. It seems simple enough, but what if you were the one knowing of a date like that? And more importantly, how can you stop it? I also like how simple the cover is- it fits well with the premise and the title, but it would still pick up my attention in store.


  1. Oh I've seen this book before and remember thinking the same, that this would be a really intense read. It's on my TBR list to remember and I hope you enjoy it when it's released :)

    Come see my WOW for this week

  2. I like this kind of book...exploring why people do what they do, and how violence can surge up from unexpected places.

    Here's mine:

    Click on my name....

  3. nice pick. I don't read enough from the male POV, so this is something I'm interested in.

  4. The cover really caught my attention and I like that it's from a male pov. Thanks for sharing.

    Don't forget to link your Supernatural themed book reviews on this weeks
    Read My Review
