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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Author Interview + Contest: Andrea Cremer

She's got the book with one of the most gorgeous, widely known covers. She's got a ton of unique promotion already happening all around. She's even had school visits before the official book release. And now today, she's here on my blog and I'm insanely excited for it! So without further probably lame introductions... I bring you Andrea Cremer, the awesome woman behind Nightshade.

If you were in Calla's position but knew what problems would arise from rescuing the hiker, would you still do it or leave him?

I hope I would still take that risk. If I could watch another person die, when I could have done something about it, I wouldn’t feel like a very good person.

What kind of supernatural/paranormal creature would you be, if given the option?

Oooh – that’s tough. I think I’d be a Pegasus because I love horses but I’d also want to be able to fly.

If you could pair Calla and Ren with any characters from any book, who would you pick for them?

I’m assuming you mean romantically? For Calla I’d pick Gale from Hunger Games because he’s a fighter and he’d enjoy spending time outdoors with Calla. Ren needs someone who can keep him on his toes, so I’d pick Isabel from The Mortal Instruments.

What is something illegal you've fantasized about doing even though you wouldn't actually do it?

Are you trying to get me in trouble? Not to be a bore, but there’s nothing really. The only thing I can think of is that I love movies like Oceans 11 and if I could be part of an amazing heist – particularly one that involved close contact with George Clooney – I’d be game.

What kind of cookie would you describe yourself as?


Thank you, Andrea, for those great answers! And now do you want a chance to win an ARC of this book- which even has the gorgeous cover art on it? I thought so.

To enter, just fill out this form!

Comments are welcome and appreciated, but no entries will be accepted there.

Contest is US only, and ends October 17.


  1. Awesome - I soooooo want to win this book! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Thanks for the chance to win! I'm really hoping to win this book before I end up buying it, lol!

  3. Oh this book looks so good! I cannot wait!.

  4. Thanks for the great giveaway. I absolutely love the cover.

  5. Great interview. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! :)
    From the Shadows
