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Friday, December 24, 2010

Contest: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain + Nailpolish

You might already have purple Dark Divine nail polish, but do you have The Lost Saint blue polish? Or the book? Didn't think so.

Well, now's your chance to enter to win both! Just fill out THIS form. Contest is US only and ends 12/31.

Summary: The non-stop sequel to The Dark Divine delivers an even hotter romance and more thrilling action than Bree Despain's first novel. Grace Divine made the ultimate sacrifice to cure Daniel Kalbi. She gave her soul to the wolf to save him and lost her beloved mother. When Grace receives a haunting phone call from Jude, she knows what she must do. She must become a Hound of Heaven. Desparate to find Jude, Grace befriends Talbot - a newcomer to town who promises her that he can help her be a hero. But as the two grow closer, the wolf grows in Grace, and her relationship with Daniel begins to crumble. Unaware of the dark path she is walking, Grace becomes prideful in her new abilities - not realizing that an old enemy has returned and deadly trap is about to be sprung. Readers, raveous for more Grace and Daniel, will be itching to sink their teeth into The Lost Saint.


  1. awesome contest the book and nail polish wat a bonus for a great giveaway. would love to win it :)

  2. Thank you so much can't wait to read this!

  3. Love the giveaway. Can hardly wait to read the book!
