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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ladies and their Tramps

Ladies and Their Tramps is my version of the question I ask a lot of authors: If you could pair your main character (and usually their love interest) with any character, who would it be? The responses are always amusing. Now in 2011, I'll be bringing you a new couple every week.

This week's couple mishmash is Valerie from Hate List by Jennifer Brown and Ernie from Diary of a Witness by Catherine Ryan Hyde.

Valerie's boyfriend was the student who brought a gun to school. She's as blamed as he is, but she's left behind. Ernie is overweight and constantly bullied, but he has a great personality and is a very caring person. I think this is a case where alone, they don't always find the strength to stand up for themselves, but together they would. Valerie and Ernie would understand being bullied, and they'd both be very likely to stand up for the other. Not to mention, Ernie wouldn't be quick to judge Valerie because of her ex, and Valerie didn't strike me as the kind that would just turn her head because of his weight. They'd both be able to go through huge strides for healing, while still having a person who understands there to fall back on.


  1. This is such a cute idea! I've been meaning to read both of these books!

  2. I loved the Hate List (but a little depressing), but haven't read the other one. Thanks for the mention.

  3. I loved Hate List and am now itching to read Diary of a Witness. It sounds like my kind of read. This is a cool post btw.

  4. Haven't read either of these yet, but they both look awesome and I love this feature.

  5. Great idea!

    I just wanted to let you know I've given you a blog award. You can see it at:
