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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Author Guest Post + Contest: Kimberly Derting

Stopping today, just a week before the release of Desires of the Dead, the much awaited follow up to her 2010 debut The Body Finder is Kimberly Derting, sharing with us a little more about the echoes Violet may, or may not, suffer from. And to celebrate the release, stick around after the tens list for your chance to win a copy of the book!

I make lists of sensations that may (or may not ever) make it into the books one day. Here is just of a sampling of some of my favorite winners AND losers from those lists. (You can decide which are which):

1) Brain Freeze

2) The smell of dog poop (I’ll go out on limb and say this one will likely never make it!)

3) The rancid smell of garbage trucks on a summer day

4) The taste of cigarettes

5) That stitch in your side you get from running

6) The bitter taste of coffee grinds

7) An itchy rash

8) The wail of a baby

9) Blurred images

10) Police sirens

Now it’s your turn, tell me what your own best (and worst) echoes would be?

Thank you, Kim, for that post and a little insight into what you look at for echoes. And for Violet's sake, I hope the taste of cigarettes never makes it either.

And now for your chance win a signed copy of Desires of the Dead and some awesome signed swag, fill out THIS form.

Contest is US only and ends February 18.


  1. There are so many things that could be echoes! Thanks for the ppost and giveaway~

  2. I can imagine Violet sensing all of these (except for the dog poop-unless, of course, she stepped in it. lol)

    That's a very unique way of plotting, I have to say! Great post :)

  3. Hmm...I haven't read "The Body Finder" yet, but I assume these senses or "echoes" are from the book? I'm intrigued and want to read it!

    Quitting My Day Job

  4. I have a tough time with the smell of feta cheese...Don't know why exactly, but this would be a gross/ normal scent for Violet to smell.

    Love this series!!

  5. What a great post thank you so much for the great giveaway!

  6. thanks for the giveaway! im a new follower!

    enter my giveaway!
