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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Author Interview + Bookmark Contest: Leah Clifford

A Touch Mortal releases today! And to celebrate, author Leah Clifford is here today to answer a few questions for me. Granted, these aren't quite your normal questions, but she's here all the same.

What flavor of ice cream would you describe your book as?

Dark chocolate. Very VERY dark chocolate.

If you could blast your nemesis with flaming pickles or frozen anchovies which would it be?

Frozen anchovies because I think they would hurt more?

If you had a million dollars and had to spend half of it on other people how would you spend it?

...on other people. Um, I would rent a jet and fly a bunch of random winners on a trip across the United States at sunset on the Fourth of July, because when I was a flight attendant, I got to do that and see dozens of grande finales from above. It was awesome.

If you could do something totally out of character for yourself what would it be?

I would go see more plays or ballets. I love them, but I hate driving into the city, so I never go and no one around here ever really wants to go.

What book would be your book's best friend?

Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton, because Courtney's Ellie and my Eden could get together and talk about their boy drama.

If you were a demigod, what god/goddess would be your parent?

Probably a Greek god of some sort because they're super crazy and I'm super crazy.

Where's Waldo, and what did he lose this time?

With Carmen Sandiego and he lost Rockapella. It was tragic.

You're locked in a closet with the boys from your book! What do you do?


Hypothetically speaking, and assuming you won't get caught or face consequence, what crime would you commit?

I would rob a bank, because honestly, that is badass. I would also ride away on a horse. So. Badass. Then, I'd give the money to orphaned children and stuff.

Alright. Fess up. What hottie famous person is chained to your bed?

I would chain Houdini to my bed, because I know he'd be gone by nightfall and I like to sleep alone.

Thank you, Leah, for those fantastic answers, and congrats on the debut release!

Make sure you guys run out and pick up A Touch Mortal, out today! But in the meantime, I have some awesome signed bookmarks and stickers from Leah, and two lucky commenters will win some!

US/Canada only, and only comments received by March 1 will be entered.


  1. hahha. great answers, i like the houdini comment =P


  2. I collect bookmarks and I would love to have one from you. Thank you for the giveaway.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  3. Congratulations Leah! Thanks for sharing. A fun interview. Maybe you will meet some friends to share ballet and plays with someday. Kinda where I'm at.

  4. Oh Im about to read Angelfire super excited this book sounds amazing please enter me


  5. Oh Im about to read Angelfire super excited this book sounds amazing please enter me


  6. Great interview - I love the fun questions and Leah's answers.


  7. yayyy i love swag!! and totally going to get this book!

  8. Awesome interview! Great questions and great answers :D I'm even more excited to read A Touch of Mortal now, thanks for sharing :D


  9. Loved the Bank robbery comment. You are right, that would be so badass.

    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  10. Brilliant! Loving the bank robbery. And, yup, riding away on a horse would be very, very badass!

    A Touch Mortal is on my wishlist, and I had it on my latest Waiting on Wednesday. It looks amazing, and I can't wait to get my hands on it!

    Awesome post!

  11. Yay for swag! Thanks so much.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  12. Yay, thanks for the cool giveaway (:


  13. Great answers. I can't wait to read this, it's right at the top of my list and I'm eagerly anticipating my ordered book which is on the way.

  14. I want some! I love the cover of this book and I can't wait to read it!

    oreo_93 at hotmail dot com

  15. Mmm...Dark chocolate ice cream! :) I pre-ordered this and cannot wait for it to come in the mail! I would LOVE a bookmark to go with it! :)


  16. Great interview! I remember Carmen Sandiego!

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  17. Love bookmarks! I use them like crazy!

    thecozyreader @
