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Monday, February 7, 2011

From the Boy Closet (5)

From the Boy Closet is a new weekly feature here at A Good Addiction that will spotlight a different well done YA hottie each week. If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably heard me talk about the YA boys I've shoved into my "Boy Closet" and this feature is thanks to that. It takes more than just looks to make me swoon for a guy in a book, and there are plenty of boys who didn't do it for me, so for the authors who wrote the guys who could.... this post is for you.

This week's boy is Will from Courtney Allison Moulton's Angelfire, a tortured soul if there ever was one. And I have to admit, of all the YA boys out there, Will is most definitely at the very top of my list. Will is the perfect mix of hot and sexy, clueless and adorable, and angsty and tormented. Okay, so he doesn't always have the best people skills, and he might scare people, but he's intense and loyal and determined. His guard is up, but that just makes those moments when it drops that much more awesome and sweet. Add in the tattoos, the admittedly quirky sense of humor that might make him seem a little bit like a martian, his awesome fighting skills, his, uh, six foot sword, and oh, yeah, his love/hate relationship with being impaled, and Will is a total catch, hottie, and keeper. Besides, isn't it always the super controlled ones who are the best in... relationships?

And if you need a little more proof, here's a few quotes to make your heart melt for this boy:

The tires rolled over rocks, garbage, and massive weeds that were beginning to look like trees. I reached the end and shut off the engine. "What now?"
He smiled. "We go inside."
"I'm going to get tetanus in there," I grumbled.
"Don't go rolling in piles of dirt and rusty nails and you'll be fine." - pg 92-93.

"Okay, Batman," I said with a smile. "But if you're going to claim to be my bodyguard, you might as well hang out with me."
His expression was thoughtful. "It's better this way."
"Because when I'm around you, instead of looking out for you, I let down my guard." -- pg 130-131

As I turned, Will wrapped his arms around me warm and tight. He felt as familiar as his voice, firm like the foundation of a skyscraper, and I hugged him tight and buried my face into his chest as I cried. He touched my hair and held me as close as he could and said nothing. I didn't need him to say anything. I just needed him to stand there and hold me. -- pg 221

"You've always astounded me. Your strength has kept me with you and it's why I follow you." -- pg 305

"You're amazing" was all I could say to him.
His face fell. "I'm not even close." He leaned toward me, resting his forehead against my shoulder, and his hand slid up my arm. He held me close to him and pressed his lips to my arm, brushing his nose across my skin as I ran my fingers through his hair. -- pg 373


  1. Oh how I loved Will so much in this book. The conflict going on inside of him is really hard to watch. He is easily one of my favorite male characters.

  2. I'm so excited for Angelfire and Will! Can't wait to read about him--I mean, read about ELLIE. *giggles nervously* Of COURSE all I care about is Ellie...*darts eyes around nervously*

  3. No one can dislike this boy-he is SO SWEET. (and hot. but that's just a bonus!)Those are some great quotes :)

  4. I love Will! One of my fave YA love interests :)
