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Sunday, February 20, 2011

In Honor of A Touch Mortal's Release...

I know I made my Top Ten Reasons to Buy A Touch Mortal post earlier, and hopefully it convinces you to buy the book. But this post is, honestly, for Leah herself. I think she is a fantastic person and author, and I adore her book in so many ways. So this is one of those book related but also sort of personal posts, because I've asked Mary Lindsey, debut author of Shattered Souls that comes out later this year, and who is friends with Leah, to write up a little something for her.

So Leah, in honor of your release:

There’s a fantastic debut young adult novel coming out on Tuesday, February 22nd: A TOUCH MORTAL by Leah Clifford.

Lots of blogs are going to come out with reviews and information about the book over the next few weeks, but the thing about this debut that has me so excited is the author herself.

I’m going to keep this post really short in an effort to not be gushy and humiliate myself.

Leah Clifford is one of my favorite authors for many reasons; but primarily because of who she is—or rather what she is.

She’s real.

I had the good fortune of meeting Leah in person when she visited Texas a while back. And though I’m still bummed I didn't get to go with her when she got her writer tattoos as promised *wink*, I had a great time just hanging out with her.

Leah Clifford is more than a skilled writer; she’s generous. She donates a great deal of time giving back to the writing community. She’s the global moderator over on the QueryTracker forum, which is no tiny task. She offers advice and guidance for new writers without skirting the real issues and roadblocks of the business.

Leah works hard. She set out to become a published author, and though it didn't take her decades to sell her first book, it wasn’t an overnight success or blind luck scenario either. Leah researched the industry and her craft and worked—then, worked some more.

She’s supportive and responsive which goes a long way with me. No games. No fakeness. She props other authors up with genuine encouragement and a shoulder to cry on. Like I said: she’s real.

So as her release date gets closer, I not only celebrate her debut novel, I celebrate Leah Clifford herself.

Congrats, girl. You earned this and all successes to follow.


Thank you, Mary, for that post... and Leah, congrats girl! And for all of you readers, leave a comment for Leah and Mary... and be sure to get this book. It's as awesome as the author, truly.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to read Leah's book. It sounds fantastic. I've got mine preordered, just have to wait until it gets here.
