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Saturday, February 19, 2011

In My Mailbox + Lisa McMann Signing

I have a few things I'm throwing into this post this week, besides just the actual IMM part. But as always, first off I bring you my dog, covered in books, for your viewing pleasure:

For Review:
The Pull of Gravity by Gae Polisner
Hereafter by Tara Hudson
Saving June by Hannah Harrington
A Scary Scene in a Scary Movie by Matt Blackstone
Falling Under by Gwen Hayes
Spinning Out by David Stahler
The Girl Who Was on Fire Anthology
How I Stole Johnny Depp's Alien Girlfriend by Gary Ghislain
(Special thanks to Gae Polisner + Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Tara Hudson + HarperTeen, Hannah Harrington + Harlequin Teen, Matt Blackstone, Penguin, Chronicle Books, & Smart Pop)

I also bought a copy of Cryer's Cross to get signed at Lisa McMann's Dallas stop tonight, but it's still in my car and I'm too lazy to go get it. But it's signed. And it's pretty. And Lisa McMann is awesome and adorable and hilarious, and it was such a laid back, fun event!

Here she is reading the first chapter of the book!

And signing! Yay! While I chatted. And rambled...

Me and Lisa!

And the indie bookstore where the event was at had this poster up behind the author area and frankly, Jessi and I loved it so we took a picture with it.

So yeah, that event was fantastic! Hopefully she'll get to come back to Dallas on tour again soon and if you ever get the chance to go to a Lisa McMann signing, take it!

And now, for a few announcements!

EPIC CONTEST! First, Suzanne Young and Hannah Moskowitz are having an EPIC contest right now that is the Awesome Contest of Awesomeness and the prizes are... you guessed it... awesome. Check out Suzanne or Hannah's blog for what the prizes are but it includes ARCs... with THEIR commentary written in. These are seriously one of a kind, never have the chance to get them again kind of prizes so make sure you enter! It ends Feb 28 so don't delay!

VANISH BY SOPHIE JORDAN COVER REVEAL! And finally, for those of you who are big fans of the Firelight series like me, you'll be happy to know the Vanish cover reveal is coming NEXT WEEK! Teaser glimpses of the cover are going up on Tuesday, with the full reveal on Wednesday, right here on my bloggy blog, along with Books Complete Me and A Fanatic's Blog! Make sure you stop by these great blogs throughout the day on Tuesday for pieces of the cover and collect the words to enter for a contest on Wednesday with the full reveal:

3 pm: Reading Teen

So that's everything for this week! Let me know what showed up in your mailbox!

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. You guys look great! Our stop is today...can't wait!

  2. Awesome books! I'll look forward to your thoughts on Hereafter and Falling Under. And the signing looks like tons of fun; <333 Lisa McMann. Can't wait to see Vanish's cover! I'm sure it'll be just as gorgeous as the first. ;)

  3. I think your dog has the right idea! Read a lot and then get a bit of sleep.

    Enjoyed my visit here. Thanks for all the super books.

  4. DUDE! that WAS you last night!! i couldn't tell if if was or not! Lisa was hilarious wasn't she? =]

  5. Great looking books! Congrats on the signing too! Those are always fun!

    My IMM goes up tomorrow, be sure to stop by!

    a GREAT read

    Have a GREAT day!

  6. Saving Jane sounds fantastic. Great books this week and the signing sounds great. Happy Reading!

  7. Looks like you had fun!

    Awesome IMM, hope you enjoy your books :D

  8. Lisa McMann is awesome! :-) And Hereafter! I LOVE that book and I hope you do too!

  9. Man! You had a great week! I just finished Cryer's Cross and bought Wake this week. I'm excited to read it! :)

    The Reading Housewives

  10. Two of my favorite things in one picture: books and dogs! :o)

  11. Looks like you did have a great time at the signing!
    I can't wait to read Falling Under, it sounds amazing and the cover is beautiful. I'm looking forward to your review on that one!

  12. Excellent haul and a signed book too! Plus, that's the sweetest doggie ev-ah!!! You can find my IMM here if you'd like ;)

  13. Definitely jealous of some of the books you got this week! Looks like you had fun at the Lisa McMann signing. My friend went to one of the stops and is sending me a book :)

  14. Oooh... I just saw this.. Completely awesome pics! :)
