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Friday, February 4, 2011

Teaser Reviews: Where She Went, Divergent and Invincible Summer

There's some books that I get that I cannot wait to read... even if it's well before the book is release. I hold my reviews until closer to release time, but every now and then, frankly, I just want to talk about them. I want to tell you guys about them. Make you as excited for them as I was. I'm still holding my reviews, but today, I'm bringing you guys three mini reviews, that are admittedly gushier than my normal ones. But if you weren't sure about these books, hopefully this will change your mind because I completely love them all. And while I realize it's only February, these three are without a doubt going to remain in my top ten, probably even top five, books of 2011.

Where She Went by Gayle Forman: I completely loved If I Stay, and this one does not disappoint. Adam has such depth… such emotion… such intensity. He tore my heart out, twisted my insides… Gayle Forman made me feel every single thing that Adam did. Reading this book, I felt like I had been without the love of my life for three years. I felt like my life was out of control. The way the world viewed him in this book, and the truth about him, was so staggering and so realistic, and so gorgeously handled. Words almost cannot describe the amount of love I have for this book, and yes, I think I love it even more than I do If I Stay, though that probably has a lot to do with the male POV. Those entire three years that have passed are chronicled, mixed into the story happening right then so seamlessly. And I will admit. There were tears in my eyes at one or two scenes.

Divergent by Veronica Roth: This book is amazing on basically every possible level. From premise to execution, characters to emotion, Veronica Roth does it all. Yes, it’s a big fat book. But who cares. You will be devouring it in one sitting, pulling away only if you absolutely have to. The worldbuilding is phenomenal, and starts right from the beginning to really develop and describe the entire picture of this Chicago. The reasons for it, the way it plays out, the way things go wrong… it’s all in there. It's hardly predictable. It's a great mix of action and plot development. And what makes it even better is the writing. It’s not overly descriptive and flowery. Yes, you know exactly what is going on and where and with who and even what they are wearing, but it isn’t bogging you down. Roth’s word economy is something a lot of authors can learn from. Basically, this book is frickin awesome and even if you’re not in to dystopian, this is one that will change your mind. Also, Four is just awesome. He’s quiet and intense and mysterious and basically everything I want in a love interest, while still being badass. And if you want a kickbutt, face all protag, this is it.

Invincible Summer by Hannah Moskowitz: Boy book! Okay that aside, Hannah Moskowitz seriously knows how to nail the sibling relationships. She makes it so clear that you aren’t going to have the exact same relationship with each of your siblings… and that’s okay. And what I love even more about this book is that it spans over four summers, so not only do I get to see Chase grow as any character would, but it’s also four years of his life passing… and yes, she nails that too. His mindset changes, each summer… but still stays HIM. And oh my god the events of this one. Heartbreaking, intricate, several subplots… all beautiful. All with clear purpose. There is so much in a kinda short book. I cried. No, bawled. Snotty nosed, puffy eyes, bawled. And I don’t cry easily, at all. Noah is my favorite character… so fantastically developed and portrayed, so flawed but still with such promise… and the way Chase interacted with him, viewed him… the way it all played out and changed. Add in Melinda, someone you will both sympathize with and hate… Just. Wow. This one is just breathtaking. Yeah, it hits on some hard stuff. Yeah, it might make you uncomfortable. But read it. It is worth it. I spent DAYS thinking about this one because it got in my head just. That. Much.


  1. Great mini reviews! I already had Where She Went on my tbr list as I LOVED If I stay and now I'm off to put the other two on my list as well. Thanks! Shari

  2. Great post! At the risk of sounding immature and fan-girl-ish, I am soOoOoOoOo excited for "Where She Went"!!!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh! Just reading your mini review of Where She Went made me want to cry all over again from thinking about If I Stay! And I already told you how much I cried when I read that book....I can only guess to how bad I'll be reading this one!! I loved Adam and I CANNOT WAIT to read this one.
    I still have Invincible Summer waiting on me to read... I need to get on it because it sounds amazing too. And so does Divergent!!

  4. Looking forward to all of these - love the teaser reviews!

  5. All look like great books. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Glad to hear Where She Went didn't disappoint. I'm really looking forward to all of these books!

  7. AHHHHHH. I am DYING for Where She Went and this makes me want it ever more.
