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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Author Interview + Contest: Melina Marchetta

 Today's guest of honor is Melina Marchetta, author of the upcoming The Piper's Son. You might know of Melina from her previous work Jellicoe Road, or even Saving Francesca-- the forerunner to The Piper's Son. Now bringing back that cast of characters, but focusing on Thomas, The Piper's Son is set five years after the events of Saving Francesca. So check out this interview and get excited about this book, out now, or even stick around for your chance to win one of three copies of the book!

How do you think you would handle a situation like Thomas' with so much thrown at you at once? Would you give up your passion as well?

I don’t have an addictive personality like Tom’s. Mine’s more obsessive, so getting wasted like he did at the beginning would not have worked for me to numb the pain. I’m too much of a control freak to let that happen. I don’t know how I would have dealt with Tom’s situation. I think I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed, but I’ve watched people around me deal with awful grief and they get on with things because people rely on them. I’d like to think I’d be the same, but I’m not sure.

If Thomas were to pick the perfect place for a first kiss with a girl, where would it be?

Oh at a footy game definitely, just after his favourite team has scored a goal.

What is the one thing Thomas would say to his uncle that last morning, if he could do it differently?

I don’t think he’d do anything different. The topic of conversation would still have been Tara Finke, but both Tom and Joe would have had favourite facetious sayings to each other so probably along the lines of, ‘Stay Gold, Ponyboy.’

Of the side characters, which was the most impacting on you to write?

Definitely Georgie, Tom’s Aunt who he goes to live with. Georgie was my age when I was writing her and I was tapping into a lot of stuff my friends and I speak about. For me, this novel belongs to both of them. They stuff up things so badly at times, but they are also instrumental in bringing a fragmented world back together. I wanted to show that regardless of the age difference they are going through exactly the same emotions with regards to family, relationships and grief. The only difference is that as an older person, Georgie has more collateral damage.

If you could pair Thomas with any character from any book, who would it be?

I couldn’t bear Tom being with anyone but his girl, but if I did, I could imagine the sparks flying between him and Hermione Granger.

If you were a demigod, what god/goddess would be your parent?

Epimetheus, god of the afterthought and father of excuses and Athena, because of her wisdom, reason and expertise in handicrafts.

What kind of shoe would you describe yourself as?

I’m a bit practical in a vain way. I think boots look good on anyone, but it would have a solid heel rather than a stiletto heel. I’m not good if I’m tottering. I’m better when I’m striding.

Thank you, Melina, for those great answers, and congrats on another release!

Now for your chance to win one of three copies of The Piper's Son, fill out THIS form.

Contest is US only, and ends Sunday, March 20.

While comments are very much appreciated and welcome, no entries will be accepted through the comments.


  1. *fangirls* Melina Marchetta!

    Fun interview! Love the questions and answers. Tom & Hermione... Haha! That's great! :D

  2. I love Melina Marchetta's writing and style. Thanks so much for having her by. I will definitely be picking up a copy of Piper's Son.

  3. ooo....lovely contest! thank you for hosting it! great interview, as well...:)

  4. Great interview Melina and good luck with your book!

  5. Great interview! I know so many people that are super fans of Melina's!


  6. Great interview and thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Super fun interview! I feel like I can't say enough how much I love MM.
    And Georgie's story definitely touched me the most. Though Tom could never be with anyone other than me.. I mean Tara. LOL

    Love the shoe question.

  8. I love the cover for Piper's Son, it's so pretty, plus it sounds like a great read. Very nice interview (Athena would definitely make an interesting demigod parent, good choice). ^_^
