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Monday, July 18, 2011

Character Interview + Contest: Ash, Colt and Raja from Wildefire

There's this book coming out next week that I really, really love. And in it, there are quite a few characters who I think are fantastically well done, so when I had the chance to steal a few for an interview, I jumped on it. With that intro, I bring you guys not only a chance to win a copy of Karsten Knight's (stellar) debut Wildefire, but to also meet Ash, Colt and Raja...definitely some of my favorite characters from the book. I will even say, Raja is my #1 favorite. Who is #2? Someone not in this interview, so you need to read the book to find out.

Kari: Welcome Ash, Colt and Raja. To get things started, why don't you each tell me and my readers about yourselves in four words.

Ash: I burn things...accidentally?

Colt: Hopeless romantic park ranger.

Raja: I am NOT high-maintenance!

Ash: Colt, are you saying you're a hopeless romantic, or that you're hopeless and romantic?

Colt: Interpret at will.

Kari: *laughs* I think I might go with hopeless and romantic, for the record. But now for the good stuff of your story. Raja and Ash, what's the best part of being goddesses?

Ash: [Looks at hands] Maybe that I'll never have to invest in a BBQ? I'm still figuring that one out.

Raja: And I'm still waiting for my new goddess status to come with a credit card and a monthly allowance. Seriously, didn't people used to build shrines for us, or make offerings to us?

Ash: If you couldn't tell already, Raja really has her priorities straight.

Raja: Oh shut up, see if I let you borrow a pair of gladiator sandals again.

Kari: I can't say I really blame Raja on those priorities. Now, getting a little more into things, and without spoilers, what scene was the most intense for each of you?

Raja: I don't know how to answer this without spoilers, so I'll just say "the Masquerade Ball."

Ash: My forest meeting with the Cloak. And the entire second half of the book.

Colt: Page 392. 

Kari: *makes a face at Colt* Yeah. I bet you like that page. Well. I think we should about rap this up, so is there anything else any of you want to say to my readers before you go?

Ash: Happy reading, and you might want to invest in a good pair of oven mitts before you open the book. Maybe a fire extinguisher too. 

Thank you, Ash, Raja and Colt for stopping by, and congrats Karsten on the release!

Wildefire is out next Tuesday, the 26th, and you definitely do NOT want to miss this one! And to spice things up for Karsten's release even more, there's a twitter party going on July 25 starting at 9 pm EST. Make sure you're there, because it is going to be awesome. And you can interrogate Karsten. And maybe win things? You'll have to come to find out!

But if you just can't wait that long, then now is your chance to win a copy! Just fill out THIS form, and you're automatically entered.

Contest is US Only, and ends July 25.

No entries will be accepted through the comments, but they are more than welcome!


  1. I guess Ash was really given the perfect name.

  2. I just finished reading this yesterday and really liked it. The character interview was great!

  3. This book was AMAZING and I can't wait to buy my own copy!
    Great interview.

  4. Great interview! Karsten gave us just enough teasers to really make me interested in this book, especially the hints about these characters being modern-day goddesses. Definitely adding this one to my TBR pile. Thanks for the rec!


  5. Love the idea of a character interview. Very clever. Thanks for the contest entry :)

  6. I love this! And I love that you call Colt out about page 392. That was awesome!
