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Saturday, July 9, 2011

In My Mailbox

Got some books this week I'm really looking forward to, and ordered a few books that showed up this week as well. Yay!

 For Review:
Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally (Already read- cute book and yum hot boys!)
Making Waves by Tawna Fenske
Paradise Rules by Jimmy Gleacher
The Auslander by Paul Dowswell
Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep
(Huge thanks to Miranda Kenneally, Sourcebooks, Gallery Books, Paul Dowswell + Bloomsbury, and Kensington Teen)

Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma (One of my favorite books of the year!)
Brother/Sister by Sean Olin
The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder

IMM a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. Toby looks a little sad in the first picture---he's probably wondering when his mommy's going to stop torturing him and give him his damn bacon bits!

    But I could be wrong xD

    Anyways, you always have the best book hauls and today is no exception! I see Catching Jordan is in the pile---totally wantz that. And Making Waves!!! I finished that the other day--it was really good (and very funny). I think you'll love it ;)

  2. that is so cute!

    fab books as well.

    here is mine: Love Fantasy's Mailbox

  3. Not familiar with those books. Hope you love them all!!

    My IMM goes up tomorrow! So be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

  4. Awww! Who CARES about the books in the pictures when the dog is so darn cute?!

  5. Awesome books you got this week. There are a lot of interesting ones there. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  6. Okay, Toby is the cutest thing ever and could sell any book, I think. But I really want to read TOUCH OF FROST & CATCHING JORDAN!

  7. You got some really awesome books this week! Checking out Imaginary Girls and Brother/Sister as we speak!!

    And as always Toby is looking just as cute ;)

    Happy Reading!

  8. I would say that is animal abuse, but I was totally thinking of taking a similar picture with a book laying open over my cat yesterday!! lol So cute!

  9. Wow, you have a nice stack of books this week in your mailbox. A Touch of Frost looks like a great read.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  10. It seems like EVERYONE has a copy of Touch of Frost. I'm hoping to read that at some point in the future. I just won a copy of Imaginary Girls and can't wait to get it and read it, it sounds great. Happy reading!

    My IMM

  11. Great set! Catching Jordan and Paradise Rules sound especially good.
    My IMM

  12. The puppy looks less than enthused with your reading choices! But they look great to me. Looking forward to reading your impressions of some of those titles!


  13. A great haul! Awesome stuff... I can't wait to read Imaginary Girls :)
    Check out what's In My Mailbox

    Mia @ Gripped into Books
