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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Author Interview + Comment for Donations: Trish Doller

So, there's this book that comes out next year (yeah, I know, so far away) that I am all kinds of crazy excited for, called Something Like Normal. In my excitement, I asked the author, the lovely Trish Doller, for an interview... and then we got to thinking.

She's donated to our troops in the past, and this book is about a nineteen year old Marine coming back after deployment in Afghanistan. So what better way to celebrate her upcoming release than to raise a little more money?

  Yep. You got it. Trish and I are going to donate $1 per comment, up to a grand total of $100, to the Wounded Warrior Project. So let's get on with the interview, so you guys can get to commenting!

Describe yourself and Travis in 5 words each.

Me: smart, slacker, bookworm, dreamer, lead-foot.

Travis: athletic, strong, freckled, hot, Marine

What is one thing you can tell us about Travis now?

Travis’s birthday is June 10, which makes him a Gemini. He, however, doesn’t care about astrology. He’s also very messed up.

If The New Normal was made into a movie, what would its tagline be?

How do you find normal, when everything has changed?

You meet Travis in person for a day. What do you two do?

We’d go to the gun range, then maybe have a few beers on Fort Myers Beach.

In the research for Something Like Normal, what has been the most shocking thing you've learned? What about what warmed you the most?

I learned that in some places in Afghanistan a dog has more value than a woman, which is pretty horrifying.

What warmed me the most is how generous and friendly Marines can be. The guys I’ve met while writing SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL are some of the best people I know.

You're locked in horror movie with your characters! What do you do, and does anyone die?

Dude, Travis is a Marine. No one is dying but the bad guy. As for me? I’m standing behind Travis.

If you were a demigod, what god/goddess would be your parent?

Athena. She’s the goddess of all the best things, like wisdom and justice and the arts.

You're stranded on an island by yourself. What one piece of sports equipment would you want to have with you?

A kayak. (Of course, then I wouldn’t be stranded anymore, huh?) But if that doesn’t count, I’d want a fishing pole.

What are your top three YA book recommendations at this time? What would Travis recommend?

Brooklyn, Burning by Steve Brezenoff
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King
Things A Brother Knows by Dana Reinhard

What kind of cake/confection would you describe yourself as?

Carrot cake, because it’s filled with all kinds of tasty bits.

Thank you, Trish, for answering my random questions and agreeing to donate with me! If you guys want more from Trish, or to find out more about Something Like Normal, you can check out her website! Also be sure you add this book to Goodreads, because you know you want it!

So you guys heard it! For every (meaningful) comment we get, Trish and I are going to donate $1 (up to a grand total of $100). This is a seriously awesome place our money is going to over at Wounded Warrior Project, so get to comment and spread the word. We want to hit that 100!

But that isn't all, because we want to say thanks to you guys for helping us with our goal... so with that, one lucky commenter will win a set of Travis quote cards, courtesy of Trish!

Commenting for both donations and to be entered to win the quotes cards ends next Sunday, September 25.


  1. I would be Athena too ^_^ And wow, this is a great cause! And the book sounds amazing, a marine as the main character? Cool!

  2. Travis has great taste in books! And I love guys with freckles. *swoon* I'm so excited for SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL to come out.

  3. EEEE! So freakin' excited for this book! I cannot wait to meet Travis. :D

  4. I have about 10 family members in the Armed Forces, my husband included. Combined they have spent around 20 years overseas. This affects each of them differently. I am excited to read this book and perhaps have a better understanding of what they've been through. At least a different perspective.

  5. Some of the best people you know? What Marines besides us TLs were you working with? :P

    Definitely excited to meet Travis, Trish! Thanks for all of your hard work!

  6. The book sounds fantastic. I'm looking forward to finding it when it comes out!

    Also, this is a great cause. Thank you so much for all you're doing for the armed forces, both by telling the story and through this giving.

  7. Awesome idea!! I can't wait for you book to come out. YAY!

  8. Looking forward to this book .. Will definitely recommend it to my husband and his marine buddies. Semper fi!

  9. I've followed Trish on twitter for a while now but I had no idea she was being published...sounds good!

    Thanks so much for donating to the cause. :D

  10. Awesome idea! I like Travis' description of himself in five words - athletic, strong, freckled, hot, Marine.

  11. I've been looking forward to this book! Is it next year yet?? Thank you for making a donation! It's such an awesome cause!!

  12. Looking forward to this book Trish. Will recommend it to everyone I know as it will give them a small glimpse of what a lot of our boys are going through.

  13. I love the way you are both supporting our troops <3! I am so looking forward to Something Like Normal!

  14. Heard Anna Nalick's 2 AM yesterday on the radio and thought of your book, Trish! Can't wait to read SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL!

  15. Awesome questions and interview! I can't wait for this book.

  16. I want this book NOW!! What a great cause!! =D Loved this interview, you know I'll be checking this book out as soon as it is out, eh Kari? ;) It sounds absolutely fantastic!!

  17. This is for such a worthy cause; it doesn't hurt that Something Like Normal looks pretty awesome, too. Great work!

  18. I'm reading Brooklyn Burning right now. Loved Please Ignore Vera Dietz. Guess I need Things A Brother Knows on my TBR list! Great interview and thanks for supporting the troops. Trish-dying to read your book too!

  19. Great interview! Yay Apocalypsies! Can't wait for your book, Trish! And cheers for an awesome cause. Blessings!

  20. I'm so looking forward to this book! Great interview, and great cause.

  21. This is such a fantastic book! I can't wait for everyone to meet Travis! Great interview!!

  22. Can't wait for this book to come out. Come on 2012!

  23. Very interesting to learn the inner workings of a fellow Apocalypsie's mind!

    Fun interview and a great idea.

  24. A dog is worth more than a woman in some parts? Woah. o_O;;

    Anyway, Travis seems like an awesome character and I can't wait to meet him in 2012 :)

  25. This book sounds great!

    Loved this answer:

    Dude, Travis is a Marine. No one is dying but the bad guy. As for me? I’m standing behind Travis.

    And I love the fact that the author is taking the best spot behind her fearless character and leaving all the rest of her characters to fend for themselves!


    Okay, I don't know how meaningful this comment is, but I hope $1 will go to the charity anyway....

  26. Great interview for a fantastic cause. Well done, Kari and Trish! I can't *wait* to read this book! No doubt in my mind I'll love it.

  27. Wonderful cause and a great interview. The book sounds very interesting!

  28. Thank you so very much for raising money for such a worthy cause! This industry has a lot of that ME ME ME mentality, but we're also some of the most giving people.

    Much love!

  29. Love the horror movie question. Travis sounds really swoon-worthy. I'm totally checking this book out. ;)
    Love the comment for donations thing as well! *claps*

  30. What a great cause. Sounds like a great book too. I'll have to check it out.

  31. "...makes him a Gemini. He doesn't care about astrology...he's also very messed up." My kinda' guy! Plus I love that a good time with him includes a trip to the gun range! Love it! He's my kind of hero!

  32. Great interview you guys! <3 Can't wait for Something Like Normal!

    And ooh, Travis has AWESOME taste in books! Trish does too. Lol ;)

  33. What an amazing cause! Also, this book sounds pretty interesting, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  34. Can't wait to meet Travis! Thanks for the great interview.

  35. My nephew has been in both wars for several tours. His photos of Afghanistan were shocks: It was beauty or desolation, no middle ground. There is no normal over there.

  36. Phew, still 25th in America!
    Travis sounds like a spunk, must read for sure!
