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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Character Interview + Contest: Breckon from My Beating Teenage Heart

So, another book by one of my favorite authors is out today which is just all kinds of exciting! So to celebrate CK Kelly Martin's newest, My Beating Teenage Heart, I not only am bringing you guys an interview with one of the main characters, Breckon, but also a chance to win a very awesome prize pack with this book and more!

If you had one more day with Skylar, what would you do with her?

Whatever she wanted. All day long. First we’d probably take Moose for a walk because she loves the hell out of that dog. If it was summer she’d want to go swimming and we’d stay in the water for so long that our fingers would get pruney. Then we’d go to the playground and climb until our arms were ready to fall off. Sometime during the day we’d squeeze in a visit to the zoo – Skylar’s crazy about all animals. When we were too tired to do anything else we’d watch some of her favourite TV shows and I’d sit down and draw aliens with her. We’d eat Lucky Charms for breakfast and for both lunch and dinner it’d be spaghetti and meatballs from a can (her favourite food) with marshmallows and ice cream for dessert. There’d have to be fireworks at night. Skylar loves fireworks.

Though you admittedly pushed her away, how much harder do you think everything would have been for you if you didn't have Jules?

Jules kept me afloat for longer than I would’ve been otherwise. I owe her alot. She always tried to understand. She’s the absolute best. I’ve known that for awhile but I know it even better now.

What's it like kissing Jules for you?

Kissing Jules is entirely different than kissing any other girl. For one thing she’s an amazing kisser but it’s not just that. It’s the difference between a kiss just being a physical thing and having your emotions in it. When Jules and I kiss it’s both.

If you could say one thing to your parents, what would it be?

I don’t want them to think any of the things I did after Skylar’s death were their fault. Fault isn’t even the right word. But there was nothing they could have done at the time and I hate that I made things harder for them. I’d give anything to take it all back, rewind time and go back to how life used to be for all four of us. Since I can’t I just want them to know that I’m sorry, I love them and I’m really going to try to get through this.

What kind of dinosaur would you describe yourself as?

One of those with a solid looking rhino type body and horns probably. Something that looks fierce but just eats plants, except that I happen to like meat too. So I’d be the one and only omnivore Triceratops, I guess. It’s cool to have a built-in defensive weapon against predators and I wouldn’t want to have to spend too much time fighting carnivorous dinosaurs to stay alive.

Thank you, Breckon and CK, and congrats on the release!

So now for your chance to win! The prize pack includes:
*Signed copy of My Beating Teenage Heart
*Winners choice of 2 of CK's other books

To enter, just fill out THIS form!

Contest is US/Canada and ends October 7.

No entries will be accepted through the comments, but you know you want to leave one anyhow.