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Friday, September 30, 2011

Character This or That + Contest: Rieker from The Fearie Ring

Out this week is a seriously awesome book by the lovely and nice Kiki Hamilton. Yep. You guessed it. The Fearie Ring. I am not huge in historical, or on faeries, and yet this book blew me away. And I have to admit, I seriously loved Rieker. So let's get to know him a little better, shall we?

Summer or Winter Summer: Who doesn’t love sunshine?

Bread or Rice: Bread

Glasses or Monacle Neither: My eyes are good!

Horse or Carriage: Horse

Have 1 wish now or 3 wishes in five years: 1 wish now

Meat or Cheese: Meat

Grapes or Apples: Apples

Pick pocket on your own or with a group: I prefer to work alone

Bath but dirty clothes or clean clothes but no bath: Bath but dirty clothes.

Find a home but lose the others or stay on the streets but have the others: Stay on the streets but have the others.

Thank you, Rieker, for stopping in and congrats Kiki on the awesome debut!

So if you want a chance to win not only a signed copy of this book but some fun swag too, then just fill out THIS form.

Contest is US only and ends October 7.

No entries will be accepted through the comments but you should leave one anyway.


  1. Sounds like a good read and the contest ends on my birthday so I'm hoping that gives me some extra good luck!

  2. I've heard great things about this. Hope I get to read it soon!

  3. Excellent this/that!
    I just realized that asking myself these questions about my own characters is great for getting to know them better. For example, on the 1 or wishes, one of the MCs in my WIP would say "1 wish now. I may not live another 5 years."

    Thanks for the added giveaway!

  4. Kari and everybody at THE TEEN BOOK SCENE - thank you SO MUCH for running this blog tour for me!!! I really appreciate it!!


  5. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I'm seeing good reviews on this book, but I'd read it any way because it sounds fantastic to me =)
