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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Character Interview + Contest: Max from The Pledge

Hitting shelves today is Kimberly Derting's awesome dystopian The Pledge, which just so happens to feature another hot boy who is indeed in my Boy Closet. And, lucky for you guys, said hottie has not only agreed to answer some questions but is bringing you the chance to win a The Pledge prize pack! So let's get to it!

So, you definitely have a few secrets of your own. What was the hardest part about keeping them, especially from Charlie?

The hardest part was that, even before I was sure about who she was, she intrigued me and I wanted to get to know her better. That’s tough to do, though, especially when classes (and not the school ones) get in the way.

What is your opinion of the classes being separated by language?

For the longest time, I never really thought about it because that was just the way of things. It’s like asking someone how they feel about kids being separated in school based on their ages. It wasn’t until I got older, and started seeing the injustices of our class system, that I realized it was wrong. People should be allowed to choose what, and who, they want to be.

What's it like to kiss Charlie?

I don’t know, it just felt…right.

If you could be in any other book, what would it be?

I’d say The Hunger Games, but that whole fight-to-the-death thing is kind of a turn off. Maybe White Cat by Holly Black, because in my world boys don’t have any magic. Besides, who wouldn’t want to do a little curse working once in a while?

Boxers or briefs?

I’m definitely a boxer kind of guy.

What kind of cookie would you describe yourself as?

Chocolate chip. Not for any symbolic reason or anything, just because they’re delicious.

Thank you, Max, for stopping in and congrats, Kim, on the release! Make sure you guys go pick up The Pledge - you do not want to miss it!

But, if you can manage to wait, you also have the chance to win a signed copy of the book and a swag pack!

To enter, just fill out THIS form.

Contest is US Only and ends November 22.


  1. AHHH! He mentioned The Hunger Games....Max. Mentioned. The Hunger Games. Yep, i'm in love with him! Ooooh! Maybe he'll go see the movie with me?! We'd have to sit in the back row so we could make out...errr....i we could see the screen? Yeah, so we could see the whole movie screen! That's it!

    The boy calls him SELF delicious, so he obviously is! I haven't even met him yet & i'm ready to eat him up! :P

    Awesome interview! I can't wait to read The Pledge! (well, i can b/c i want that prize pack.....) i may have to fight you for Max once i read it though!

  2. I pledge that I will read "The Pledge" and I will love it and will blog about it, and I'll take it to bed with me, and I will not allow my dog, Clara, to sniff at it. I would love to win this book. Thanks, Kari... And can we talk about Tours?
    Here's my email:


  3. I love character interviews! I agree with his cookie choice they are delicious.

    On my form I pasted in the wrong info here is the tweet link.!/niclovestoread/status/137898190031695873
    It's under Nicole A

  4. Max is a character I look forward to learning more about in the next book. After the first book his motivations weren't that clear to me.
