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Friday, November 11, 2011

This or That + Contest: Heather Davis

Hitting up the blog this lovely afternoon is Heather Davis, author of Wherever You Go. If you haven't picked this book up yet, make sure you do, because seriously, it's awesome. And while there is definitely a sad and emotional element to her book, this post is all fun... because I threw a list of random pairings at Heather, and she's let us know what her preference is for each!

Peanuts or Cashews: Peanuts. (And I love peanut butter!)

Toucans or Macaws: Toucans? I used to love Froot Loops

Zebra or Okapi: Zebra

Chinese Food or Italian Food: Always Italian. I’ve been studying Italian for a year and went to Rome last spring. I love it.

Curtains open or Shut: Open during day, shut at night.

Belly Button Ring or Cartilage Pierced: Decorate yourself however you like, people.

Zoo or Museum: Museum

Boxers or Briefs: Boxers

White or Dark Chocolate: Normal chocolate = brown.

Country or Rock: Rock

Barefoot or Socks: Barefoot!

Policeman or Firefighter: Policeman
Sharpie or Gel Pen: Sharpie

Thank you, Heather, for stopping in and congrats on another release!

And to celebrate the book release, Heather is also giving you guys the chance to win a signed copy of Wherever You go!

To enter, just fill out THIS form.

Contest is US/Canada only and ends November 18.


  1. I had to look up what an okapi was...haha

    Thanks for the interview, I've been looking forward to reading this book!

  2. *normal* chocolate - lol
    I'm with Heather, normal milk chocolate wins every time :D

  3. Cute interview! Kinda ironic to match such a sad book with such a fun interview, yeah?

    Thanks for the giveaway op!


  4. I loved The Clearing aNd can't wait to see what Heather has come up with next.
