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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Character Interview + Contest: Lindsey from The Miseducation of Cameron Post

Stopping in today is Lindsey, from Emily Danforth's The Miseducation of Cameron Post! She's Cameron's friend and confidant, and now she's answering some of my questions!

Describe yourself in 3 words. 

Real; unafraid; riot-grrrrl. 

What was the first thing you thought when you woke up this morning? 

If the swelling from this tongue piercing doesn’t go down soon it’s going to be another week of just milkshakes for sustenance. This thought was followed closely by an intense craving for a bacon and cheddar omelet mashed between the two halves of an everything bagel, which I could not possibly eat with my tongue in this kind of pain. 

What's the most important thing you look for in someone? 

In a grrrl I’m dating or making out with it’s personality first, then sense of style. My tastes vary widely, but you have to have some sense of style—your own style—not the one the GAP is selling to you. In friends it’s loyalty, honesty, and interests. Oh, and taste in music. You bring your Tom Petty Greatest Hits tape into my car (I’m looking at you—Cam Post), and I’ll need to correct that poor decision but fast. 

If you could tell Cameron one thing, what would it be? 

Stop mooning over Queen Cowgirl or Princess Bovine or whatever the runner-up title your not-so-secret straight girl crush didn’t officially win, anyway. It’s not worth it and it’s going end in heartbreak. I mean it Cam: not worth it and going to end in heartbreak. Come out to Seattle and stay with us. My mom will let you squat here awhile. Hitchhike if you have to. Or I’ll send you bus fare for the Greyhound. Just leave now and answer to the consequences later. And write a grrrl back or pick up the phone, would you? What the hell’s going on out there in cowboy country, anyway? 

What kind of reptile would you describe yourself as? 

I never would do that. It’s not my style to compare myself to the reptilian. But if I must choose an animal I’ll go with tabby-orange alley cat, please.

Thank you, Lindsey, for stopping in and congrats, Emily, on the upcoming release!

This one hits shelves February 7, so be sure to check it out!

And in the meantime, Lindsey is bringing you guys a contest for some mixed book related swag, including an mixed tape of songs from the book era just like the ones Cameron and Lindsey make, a signed bookmark, stickers and pencils.

To enter, just fill out THIS form.

This contest is US Only, and ends February 1.

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