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Saturday, February 25, 2012

In My Mailbox + Breathless Reads Tour

So, you guys just get a picture of the books again this week, no Toby. He's doing well after his surgery, but he got his stitches out on Wednesday and of course promptly messed up the suture line where I had another mass removed off his back. He rolled around on it, and tore part of the line back open. So needless to say, the poor guy is still in the cone of shame. That being said, I got some awesome books this week so lets get to it!

For Review: 
Supernaturally by Kiersten White (AWESOME so far)
Balthazar by Claudia Gray (LOVE this one)
Awkward by Marni Bates
Burning Emerald by Jaime Reed
Creeping with the Enemy by Kimberly Reid

The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour (One of my favorite books ever)

So that was my week in books! Also exciting this past week was the Breathless Reads tour, which hit up the Dallas area Thursday night. Featuring Beth Revis, Andrea Cremer, Marie Lu and Jessica Spotswood, this was easily one of the best signings and panels I've been to. The questions the moderator asked were fabulous, and different than a lot of what gets asked at events... including what is each author's favorite kill in their books. Oh, yeah. They went there. And I have to say, Beth's answer was the *best* ever. If you ever meet her, make sure you ask her about that. And about naming her characters. 

But really, it was so obvious how well these ladies get along even behind closed doors, and how interested they are in what the others have to say, even after several tour stops before this one. I am so glad they hit up Dallas and that I had the chance to meet them! 

Group picture with the lovely authors, and some of the Dallas bloggers! 
(Rose, Stacy, Nancy, Arena and me)

So that was my week! Hope everyone else had a great week too! Let me know if you saw these ladies on any of their stops, and what books you guys got! 

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. I am so incredibly jealous of Endlessly! I cannot wait to read that! Can't wait to read your review! Check out my IMM here:

  2. Very nice haul of books you got this week. I hope you enjoy them all.


  3. Fabulous books. Endlessly YAY! Breathless Tour YAY! Happy Reading!

  4. OMG! So envious of Endlessly! Can't wait for that one! Cover is gorgeous! Happy Reading!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Love the picture! How fun! Enjoy the books.
