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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Character Interview: Rowan from Wanderlove

Stopping in today is the hot boy from one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors, and I couldn't be more excited! I introduce to you Rowan, from Kristen Hubbard's Wanderlove!

1. What was your first impression of Bria?

I first saw Bria at the Guatemala City airport, with her tour group. Everyone was twice her age. I remember her white-knuckling the handle of her purple suitcase, and her cheeks were all pink… I just felt really bad for her.

The next time I saw her, it was at the Mayan market in Chichicastenango. I admit, I was impressed she was navigating it all by herself, even if she'd just violated the number one rule: never take your eyes off your stuff. When I asked her to dinner across the lake, I was certain she wouldn't go. Yeah, I'm glad she proved me wrong.

2. What's the worst thing that's happened to you in your travels?

I've had a lot of shitty things happen abroad, thing I don't like to talk about. Mostly, they were my own fault. It took me forever to share them with Bria, so I'd rather not repeat them now. But the worst thing of all… well, I think it was the point when I thought I'd never see Bria again.

3. Boxers or briefs?

What? Seriously? All right, fine—a little of both. Also boxer-briefs in unusual patterns. When you're living in Central America, you take what you can get.

4. What's it like to kiss Bria?

Okay, on THAT one, I'm pleading the fifth!

5. What kind of shoe would you describe yourself as?

An overworn, overloved leather sandal – but with a lot of miles left to go.

Thank you, Rowan, for stopping in, and congrats, Kirsten, on the release!

Trust me, guys, when I say you need to check this out. Not just to get to know Rowan better (though that is likely reason enough... seriously, this boy is SO awesome!), but for the entire story and the drawings. So go!

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