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Monday, July 16, 2012

Exclusive Cover Reveal: Never Enough Stories

Never Enough author Denise Jaden is putting out some companion stories to the book, coming August 1, and I am so excited to share with you guys the cover she's put together for this!

So before we get to any details, I give you the cover:

And here's a note from Denise, about this cover:

I’ve always loved the cover Simon & Schuster created for Never Enough, but while it suits the tone really well, I never felt like the image of the girl looked like either Claire or Loann. The cover for Never Enough Stories focuses on the girl that I think looks like Loann. Whenever I look at this picture, I imagine Loann at a certain part in the book—after the swimming scene in the river.

I think this is totally fitting, and I love seeing Loann through Denise's eyes. There is such an innocence to this girl that matches up, at least to me, with Loann.

If you loved Never Enough, trust me, you want to check out these stories... and if you aren't sure, it's a great way to pull you into the book, at least with the companion stories and even the deleted scenes (though you might want to stay away from that alternate ending and read the original first, but trust me, this book rocks anyhow).

Even better, Denise will be offering this anthology of extras for free to anyone who has purchased a new copy of Never Enough, or for a low price for anyone who wants to check out the characters before buying the book. Watch her blog for the coupon code on August 1st to find out how you can get your copy.