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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Meet Wes from Embers & Echoes + Contest

 Out this week is Embers and Echoes, the second book in Karsten Knight's Wildefire series, and to celebrate, I've got a little sneak peak at the book, and more importantly, at a brand new character who shoes up in this installment! His name is Wes, and he's definitely Boy Closet material. So as if the amazing plot, already awesome character, ohmygodWHAT ending of Wildefire, and the stunning writing weren't enough to run out and grab Embers and Echoes, there's this guy:

The suited man slapped the prisoner’s face lightly. “Oye, amigo,” the man said to Wes. “All I want to know is why you were snooping around Mrs. Vanderbilt’s boat like a little bloodhound before we caught you.”

“Mrs. Vanderbilt’s boat?” Wes said with mock surprise. “Shit, I thought I’d climbed aboard a Disney cruise.”

His interrogator actually laughed. “You’re a funny man, stranger.” He slipped on a pair of brass knuckles he’d taken from his pocket. “It almost pains me to have to knock some seriousness into you.”

He turned fast and slammed his armored fist into Wes’s stomach. With a spasm of pain the boy’s body convulsed upward into a macaroni shape before gravity ironed him back out into a straight line.
“Okay, okay...but first...” Wes wheezed between breaths. “Just...answer question.”

The man leaned closer so he could hear the boy.

Wes cocked his head upward. “How long...did it take grow...that mustache?”

That's the first time Ash gets to meet Wes... and also a pretty darn good display of just the kind of guy he is. I mean, what's a little interrogation without some humor, even if it means getting punched more?

Embers and Echoes is on shelves now, so trust me when I say you do not want to miss this one. 

Want more of Karsten? Find him on twitter or his website, and you can find out all the details about Embers and Echoes on Goodreads.

You can find out all the blog tour details and meet Lucy here, and for those of you wanting even more of these characters, meet Aurora and Thorne, and tomorrow you can get a look at Ash and oh so sexy Wes together here.

To celebrate Karsten's release, we've got 2 sets of his books up for grabs! Enter below, but please only enter once - this form is the same on the blogs participating in his release celebration. US only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hmm, Wes seems a little cocky. I like it!

  2. Ugh. Brass knuckles always make my stomach turn. But that was a lovely bit. I especially loved the macaroni metaphor!

    ~Riv Re
    Riv Reads

  3. I loved Wildefire. I am SO EXCITED for Embers & Echoes! Eeeee!

  4. Cool! Love theses giveaways!!!
