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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Character Interview: Griff from Find Me

Out today is Romily Bernard's gripping and fun debut Find Me, so to celebrate, I've got Griff here for an interview!

What's your favorite part about hacking? Least favorite?

I’d always been interested in computers, hacking, but it wasn’t until I started doing some work for my cousin—he’s a detective—that I realized how much I could help. And, you know, it got me closer to Wick. Which is more than three years worth of classes ever did.

Least favorite part? Seeing what it did to Wick.

Describe Wick in three words.

Smart. Prickly. Amazing.

What's it like to kiss Wick?

Dangerous. The first time we kissed…well, I thought I had the upper hand. Never make deals with her. She’s always one step ahead.

Any hints at what's next for you and Wick?

I’m not sure actually. She’s been…distant lately. Lot of fallout from what happened. Things are rough. I’m trying to keep her distracted, keep her thinking about the future. My drawings have gotten some attention. I might be able to go to college after all. Art school. There’s one in Savannah that’s interested in me. I won’t go without her though and Wick hasn’t decided what she wants. It’s fine. I’ll wait. I know what I want: her.

What kind of sea creature would you describe yourself as?

Ha! I’m supposed to say shark, right? I’m probably more like a barracuda. Lean (you’ll never catch me working out with the football players) and fast (if I’m not hacking I’m working on my bike).


Enormous thank you to Kari for hosting me on A Good Addiciton. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone enjoys FIND ME!!

Congrats, Romily, on the release, and man do I need the next book ASAP! 

About the Book: “Find Me.”

These are the words written on Tessa Waye’s diary. The diary that ends up with Wick Tate. But Tessa’s just been found . . . dead.

Wick has the right computer-hacking skills for the job, but little interest in this perverse game of hide-and-seek. Until her sister Lily is the next target.

Then Griff, trailer-park boy next door and fellow hacker, shows up, intent on helping Wick. Is a happy ending possible with the threat of Wick’s deadbeat dad returning, the detective hunting him sniffing around Wick instead, and a killer taunting her at every step?

Foster child. Daughter of a felon. Loner hacker girl. Wick has a bad attitude and sarcasm to spare.

But she’s going to find this killer no matter what.

Because it just got personal.


  1. Thank you VERY MUCH for having me, Kari!!

  2. Wow, really cute and fun interview! It makes me want to read the book more now.
    Although, I know it's the character and not the author speaking, but I don't like him saying he'd give up college for a girl.
