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Sunday, December 6, 2009

In My Mailbox (6)

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at the Story Siren.

It was another pretty slow week but I am trying to not go *too* book crazy these days so I just made one trip to half price books this week since I was over by a different one than the one I usually go to (diff store, diff stuff...) so I couldn't really resist and it worked out.

Wish You Were Dead: Todd Strasser
The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place: E. L. Konigsburg
(this one is a few years old but the first time I had seen it and it looks really good so I grabbed it up)

It was a lazy beagle day so he again let me pose him. A 20 minute stroll around Petsmart and a 30 minute barking session while he was in the car and I was in the post office pretty much wore him out for the day. Here is the after effect so propping books around his head worked out well. They support his head and when I moved them, his head thunked back down and he barely responded. Plus, who doesn't love a sleeping animal picture?

So that's my week, what about you?


  1. Ooh I really liked Wish You Were Dead. I haven't heard much about the other one. I guess I will just wait for your review. Happy reading!

  2. Awww, your dog is so cute! The books look great!

  3. Ohh your dog is so I haven't heard of either book.

    Here is mine:

  4. Aw, what a cutie!

    Wish You Were Dead sounds really good. Another book in my TBR pile. Happy reading! :)

  5. I really want to read Todd Strasser's book. Your dog is freaking adorable!!!

  6. Cute dog! Enjoy your books!!

  7. . Another book in my TBR pile. Happy reading! :

    Work from home India
