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Saturday, December 12, 2009

In My Mailbox (7)

In My Mailbox is hosted by the wonderful Kristi over at The Story Siren.

For Review:

Captivate by Carrie Jones (Courtesy of Bloomsbury)
Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey (Courtesy of Bloomsbury)
Explorer-X: Alpha by LM Preston (Courtesy of LM Preston)

And because I think it is really kind of cute, here is Toby, getting lost in a book....


  1. Wow, lots of great ones!! And the second picture is ADORABLE!!

  2. Awe, Toby's cute. Happy reading! :)

  3. Great books you got this week. Captivate sounds really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  4. Ohmigosh your doggy is so cutesy! Happy reading :)

  5. Awe, your dog is so cute...and patient. Mine would have run out from under those books so fast haha.

    Enjoy all of your new books! :D

  6. I'm really excited about Hearts at Stake (well, the UK version which is 'My Love Lies Bleeding' but either way, I can't wait to read it!) and definitely intending to read me some Carrie Jones asap. Great week for you!

  7. I really want to read Captivate! Enjoy :)
