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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting To Know The Little Guys (4)

Getting To Know The Little Guys is a feature I do weekly to spotlight small blogs with less than 100 followers. There is a huge crop of new blogs out there- mine being one of them but I have been lucky enough to gain a pretty quick following- but small doesn't mean bad. My goal is for my readers to read these weekly posts, get to know the bloggers a little more, and start finding some awesome new blogs that they might not have otherwise known about. And face it- there is a huge competitive edge to book blogging these days, especially for ARCs. Yes, the ARCs are nice when they come but I think a lot of us really are here to just express our views on books and book related things- this feature also is intended to bring that focus back.

This week, Lucy from Delightful Reviews is here with me. She has a beautiful background on her blog and I can always see her personality shine through in her posts. I regularly visit her blog and am definitely glad I found it. I hope you guys enjoy!

Hi everyone! Lucy here from Delightful Reviews. Now, before I start my endless babbling, I want to thank Kari here. She contacted me about this lovely idea about a guest post, and next thing I knew, I was already emailing her, saying that I'd do it! So, thanks Kari. Thank you for helping me :)

Well, I'll start off about myself. Now to save your eyes from reading long, tedious paragraphs, I'll tell 7 things about myself in a numbered list. Why seven? 7 is my favorite number!
  1. Well, I'm pretty sure that no one knows this secret, so you guys get an inside look on Lucy ;) I LOVE reading. There, I said it!
  2. Okay, now I'll get serious. Another thing about me is that I am picky. I am especially picky about a book cover. If the cover looks interesting, I'll pick it up and check it out. If the cover is boring or scares the **poop** out of me, then I say NO.
  3. I am extremely forgetful and I am a huge procrastinator.
  4. I love art. Well, I don't really obsess over the masterpieces by the great artists, but I obsess more on participating in the art :)
  5. I lovelovelove when I get to hang out with my cousins. We all pig out and then we stay up till like 4 in the morning, laughing our heads off on the conversations we would have.
  6. Even though I'm a teenager, I still play hide-and-seek and other cool kiddy games! Whenever I'd play hide-and-seek, I would have my heart pounding like crazy. I guess I'm still a kid at heart. Literally.
  7. Anime. I love it.
Now, with the "me" stuff done, let's head on over about the blog stuff!

My blog, of course, is Delightful Reviews.
  • I started this blog because I was, well, inspired! I was inspired to write reviews and hopefully, meet new blogging friends! The Story Siren was a HUGE blog role model for me; just like The Book Scout, J Kaye's Book Blog, Simple Life and Reading..., La Femme Readers, and a whole bunch more! Though I am a tad bit jealous of these blogs, I just admire them and their hard work.
  • I do memes like IMM, WoW, and On My Wishlist. Soon, I plan to interview bloggers (both new and old!) and turn it into a weekly meme. I'm also interviewing authors. Although I have just one right now, I have plenty more coming! I'm also thinking of doing top commentator giveaways, but I'm worried about pricing... Most likely, I'll have to do with swag packs.
  • Speaking of giveaways, I'm holding one at my blog. It's for Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood. I plan on reading it soon, and from the reviews I've been hearing about it, I have HIGH expectations for it :)
Since we're nearing the end of my babble, I bid you adieu. Thanks for reading! I appreciate it a LOT!

Thanks for stopping by, Lucy! I appreciate it too!

If you are a small blogger with 100 followers or less and want to be a part of this feature, shoot me an email or leave a comment for me. I am really excited for how much support I am getting on this and would love to keep it up. Thanks guys!


  1. Thanks for the heads up! Her blog looks fab!

  2. Yay Lucy! You really do have an awesome background! :)

    p.s im technically an adult and i would def. play hide and seek still!

  3. Lucy, here's another procrastinator :) great blog you have!

    Kari-I have an award for you

  4. Thanks so much Kari (I can't stop saying thank you LOL)

