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Saturday, March 13, 2010

In My Mailbox + Update

IMM is a weekly hosted by The Story Siren.

It was a good week in books for me and I'm a little bouncy for it, I admit. First off, I joined Kimberly Derting's The Body Finder Street Team, which means hitting the streets around the bookstores and promoting her upcoming debut release. I am really excited for this one and yes, have it preordered already, and now have a Body Finder tote bag and a personalized, signed poster as well as some great swag to hand out to people (which I did not take pictures of because it has been my experience paper + dog = destruction). Because I'm me, and because I seem to enjoy tormenting Toby dog... I saw that tote and thought: Cape! So, you guessed it, I made it a cape on the little guy and sure, he kept trying to roll over while I was trying for pictures, and then I had to chase him around the apartment for awhile but finally, I prevailed with proof:

Unfortunately for Toby, having a tote bag cape does not equal a sudden ability to reach the plates on the counter. I give him credit for trying though. I also think his cape fits quite nicely.

After the adventures in cape land, however, Toby wasn't so happy with me. Really, he gets annoyed when I take pictures but I guess when your mama has been taking random photos of you for 11+ years, it gets old. In his irritation, he hid from me in the corner under my table where he looked oh so very enthused and happy and this photo makes me laugh:

Now on to the actual books that showed up for us this week:

Books for Review:
After The Kiss by Terra Elan McVoy
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Compromise by Heidi Aya
The Beautiful Between by Alyssa B. Schienmel
Party by Tom Leveen
Scars by Cheryl Rainfield
The Darkling by Keoni Anderson
(Special thanks to Terra, Heidi, Alyssa, Tom, Cheryl, Keoni and Hyperion!)

Bought from Amazon:
The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

My awesome friend Eleni at La Femme Readers also shipped me two books she had because, well, she loves me:
Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles
The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg

That's what showed up in my mailbox this week.... and now on to an update. I decided this week I need to rewrite my addict boy's story. When he came to me, he was 22. I went with it, fell in love with him, plowed through it- but he was still in an odd age for fiction. He's too old for YA, too young for adult, even though much of his story switches between the present and his past- his high school years. It's been nagging at me, and I've been debating but finally, after the suggestions of an author I respect, I made the choice to rework him and make him younger. It's a total rewrite- it isn't as easy as changing his age because while the first version gave glimpses to his high school years, now he's in them.

With that said, I have 4 1/2 chapters written already and am really liking how it's going. It is going to be a differently told story but hopefully, the same overall points, story, etc. Honestly, I think the kid came to me as a 22 year old just to worm two books out of me. He's a persistent little kid. I'm a little bummed, mostly because I was almost done with typing up all the revisions- well, almost halfway done- but really, I've only been working on him two months. It isn't too big of a deal, except now my new kid is getting put on hold. He's still talking to me though and I'm jotting down ideas as they come, which is keeping my drive for my addict boy strong so I can finish and get to know this new guy better. Yep, it's a male MC as well. Somehow, I just do better with them I guess.

That's my big news but on the plus side for you guys, I will probably be super excited when I finish his draft again and throw a contest in honor of it. Also upcoming is a possible 400 followers contest since as of right now writing this, I am 1 follower away from hitting that number. I'm a bit floored by that but thank you to everyone who follows. Also thank you to everyone who gives me awards. I admit, I suck at passing them on. I see the comments usually at work, and then forget... and get lazy... and yeah, I have no award spirit, I guess, but I love getting them. I love that you guys think of me so, again, thank you thank you thank you thank you.

Also upcoming is a chat with Estevan Vega, author of Arson, next Wednesday, March 17 at 8 CST. Look for an upcoming chat with Lisa Schroeder as well- date to be determined- and Jennifer Brown in early April. I'm also working on more author chats for the forum so stay tuned. I'm excited, I admit it, and you should be too.


  1. Great books...and I love the tote bag/cape on your pup! So Cute!

  2. Awesome week, and Toby is cute like always!!

    I swear you will get my input later this afternoon, I totally zonked out last night.. I didn't realize I was so tired! :)

  3. I <3 Toby :)

    Anyways, love your book haul! Rules of Attraction, The Dead Tossed Waves, Hex Hall, and The Lonely Hearts Club are all on my wish list.

  4. I can't wait to get my own copy of Hex Hall! :) Awesome books you got this week!

  5. Toby is so cute! He looks really happy in the last pic!! I'm jealous of hex hall! Enjoy!

  6. Woot for 399 followers! And, lol, if only capes = magical plate-grabbing and other amazing superpowers... I'll squeal for The Beautiful Between and definitely will be looking forward to your review; happy reading! :D

  7. Wow! Great haul of books! Can't wait to see what you think of THE BEAUTIFUL BETWEEN :)

    And Toby is so adorable with his little tote bag cape :D

  8. Nice books Kari! Aww Toby so cute <3

  9. Just got Hex Hall this week too and am anxiously awaiting The Body Finder (also on preorder). Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. Hey I'm here from the Saturday Network and just want to say those pics with your dog are full of win!

    I'll be back to leave more comments after work!!

  11. Hah, I love Toby's expression in the second and third picture. My dog looks THE SAME WAY whenever I make her do something she doesn't want to do. She gives me that "I've got an attitude!" face.

    Congrats for being part of The Body Finder street team! I saw the post and wanted to join but I was too late. *le sigh* Oh well, wasn't meant for me I guess. Anyways, nice books this week! After The Kiss looks reaaaally good o.o

  12. Awesome books! Toby is also looking pretty good in TBF cape, lol.

    Hope you have fun reading! :D

  13. Some great books this week!

    Here's my In My Mail Box:

  14. Awesome books, especially Rules of Attraction!

    Toby is so stinkin' cute in that tote bag/cape!

  15. I'm so jealous of Hex Hall and Scars! Great week of books for you! I hope you enjoy!

  16. You really had a great week! Hex Hall too..... man - I am seeing that one around now and drooling over it!

  17. You got great books this week. I liked Hex Hall and The Lonely Hearts Club. Happy reading!

  18. Cape Land was great!! Those are some awesome books, I'm completely jealous.

  19. Ooo,the Darkling looks amazing! Will have to track that one down!

  20. Looks like you had a great week! Happy reading!

  21. Fantastic new dog accessory LOL. Love the books you've received.

  22. Great pile of books this week, and as always Toby is so cute, and super patient! Happy reading!

  23. OMG!!! Those are all great books! I was trying to find a few that stood out to comment on but they are ALL great!

    Happy reading!

  24. Wow, you got a bunch of great books (and some fun swag for the Body Finder Street Team). I'm loving the tote/cape look on your dog haha. Happy reading!

  25. You've got some terrific books there, and I really like Toby's super-cool super-hero cape!

  26. You have an adorable dog! You should take him along in his cape when you are advertising the Body ?Finder-although he'd probably revolt.

    Great selection of books you have, especially Hex Hall and The Dead Tossed Waves. I hope you enjoy all your terrific books.

  27. The Rules of Attraction looks so good!

    Check out my mailbox for the week :)

  28. God I love your dog! xD Mine would never stay still and let me pile books on her lihe that... She *would* hide under the table, though lol
    And I am excited! :D

  29. LOL, your dog must be the meme mascott. Enjoy your books. Here'smine
