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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's WoW pick is Take Me There by Carolee Dean.

Summary: Dylan has a bad-boy past and a criminal record. He knows that rich, beautiful Jess is way too good for him—but she has always been the one person who sees through his tough exterior and straight to his heart, and he has been hopelessly in love with her from the first time they met. He would change his life for a chance with her.

But trouble follows Dylan wherever he goes, and a deadly mistake soon forces him to hit the road and leave his dreams behind. He's on the run and in search of answers—answers to questions he wishes he'd never asked.

My Thoughts: First off, this cover catches my eye. I have to admit, it hits the sex appeal and I think it fits with the book description. I also like the criminal record aspect of this one for the guy and even if the male/female roles are typical, the summary still sounds unique and holds a lot of promise.

This book is set to hit shelves July 20, 2010 from Simon Pulse.


  1. GREAT pick this one looks SOOOO good!

    Side note, how you enjoying the Uninvited I read it...a while ago.

  2. Um, this sounds awesome! And the cover really is super cool!

  3. Ive never heard of this but it sounds awesome! Great pick Kari! :)

  4. Yay! Very excited to read this :) Nice pick!

  5. Great pick, it sounds great and I <3 the cover!
