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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine.

This week's pick is Not That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian, set to hit shelves September 1 from Push.

Summary: Natalie Sterling wants to be in control. She wants her friends to be loyal. She wants her classmates to elect her student council president. She wants to find the right guy, not the usual jerk her school has to offer. She wants a good reputation, because she believes that will lead to good things.

But life is messy, and it's very hard to be in control of it. Not when there are freshman girls running around in a pack, trying to get senior guys to sleep with them. Not when your friends have secrets they're no longer comfortable sharing. Not when the boy you once dismissed ends up being the boy you wants to sleep with yourself - but only in secret, with nobody ever finding out.

Slut or saint? Winner or loser? Natalie is getting tired of these forced choices - and is now going to find a way to live life in the sometimes messy, sometimes wonderful in-between.

My Thoughts: First off, I love this cover. It's sexy and intriguing but I think it hints at the innocence. The premise sounds fantastic- very realistic and something more teens most likely struggle with than is voiced. I think this book has a huge amount of potential and can't wait to get my hands on it.


  1. OHH another new one for my wishlist - awesome! this one looks wonderful and I am with you I love the cover.

    I see your reading The Journey Home, I hope you enjoy it...I did :)

  2. SUPER sexy cover, indeed! Sounds adorable!

    Mine's here!

  3. Sounds like a great YA romance with some good lessons mixed in. Great choice.

  4. I hadn't heard of this before but it sounds like it could be a fantastic book!

  5. This book does sound really good!

  6. Great pick, Kari! I haven't read any of her other books so I can't wait to read this :) Love the cover, too!

  7. Oooh this one looks really good. Thanks for posting about this book!
