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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Question Blog Tour with Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Welcomed today is Lauren Barataz-Logsted, author of the upcoming The Education of Bet, out July 12. As part of her blog tour, I was lucky enough to get to ask one question- and course I chose one of my interview favorites.

If you could be transformed into any one person for a day, what would be your pick?

This was a tougher question than it first appeared to be. There are so many possibilities! Bill Gates. Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton. Carly on General Hospital - I love her clothes and fake diamond jewelry. There are too many possibilities! And then it came to me. William Shakespeare. Can you imagine being Shakespeare for a day? Wow. Just wow.

Thank you for stopping here and for that great answer. I have to agree- Shakespeare's life would have been great to experience for a day. Make sure you guys continue to follow this one question tour, over at Shooting Stars Mag tomorrow. In case you missed it yesterday, you can still find Monday's stop at Jenn's Bookshelves.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about Carly but all the other people lead (or have lead in Will's case) a fascinating lifestyle. :D
